3 year old before school only learning journey?
I am looking for some advice, I have been asked to drop off siblings 6 and 3 at school 3 mornings per week, they will be with me for 1/2 hour, in which time they will eat breakfast, and out the door, my question is what paperwork is required of me, do i need a learning journey, daily diary, trackers etc..., the little one is going to preschool 3 full days.
I just don't see how I would have time to set up activities in 1/2 hour, while feeding and getting 6 kids out the door! what do you folks do?
I am wondering if its more hassle than its worth, I will be due my first inspection within the next 18 months, and the last thing I want is them picking up on something I have done wrong in an impossible time scale!
Many thanks
You wont need a vast amount of obs for the brief time the child is with you .Why would you need to set up activities? You'll be able to do brief obs just from your usual routines.....everything from self care and getting their shoes coats fastened etc to recognising numbers on doors on the school run.
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