Hi all.

I started minding a 3yo and 4 yo in my home 3 days ago. We had only been having small issues ie. the 4yo kept lying to get my son in trouble for different things. Yesterday my partner came home from work and the 3yo said to me "I don't like that man". When I asked her why she said that my partner hits her.
I was so shocked & I know its 100% NOT true because he has never been alone with them. My partner immediately became uncomfortable and insisted he stay in a different room to the children.

When the mum came back I took her aside and told her what happened & she started to laugh. She told me the child is always saying things like that but she knows its not true. She told me she gets the lying from the brother. The night before the brother had accused my next door neighbours little boy (who he hadn't even met) of calling him & his sister a B"*ch. I told her the 4yo had accused my son of the same that day. She continued to laugh & say "thats all part of the fantasy & storytelling"

My issues are
a) I was bringing what I felt was a serious issue to mum and was totally dismissed.
b) My partner & children feel uncomfortable with these children.
c) My gut is telling me this won't end well .

I feel a failure wanting to give up on day 3 but the protection & well-being of my family is my top priority.

I would love some advice please.

Thanks in advance.