Help and advice needed, ive minded a littleone for 6mths now and the last two months we,ve had biting issues, she,s bit the same littleone on 3 seperate occasions and others in between. I gave mum 4wks notice last week to change her day, as i couldnt risk anymore bites, i really didnt want to end the care arrangement, just seperate the one she bites the most, or scratches if she cant bite
This morning theres a private msg saying she,s not returning. It was only ever 8hrs a week, and tmoros fee has been paid via childcare voucher scheme, but theres been no mention of four weeks fees as in contract.
Should i put it down to experience or insist on 4weeks payment.
Never gave notice or been given it before, not sure what to do?
Thanks in advance for any replies,