OMG! Don't know whether to laugh or cry!
I know this isn't strictly speaking for a minded child, but does anyone know how to explain to a 10 year old - academically intelligent but immature for age - why they are expected to accept responsibility for their own actions?!

101/2 year old son went to his friends house (over the road) to play, with clear instruction to be in by 8pm. I was in the bath after a looong friday, by the time I'd had my bath, had allowed 'another 5 minutes' and got dressed again, it was half past 8. I was about to go over the road as son walked in.
What time do you call this? I was just about to come and get you!
Oh yeah, sorry, forgot.
Well, sorry, but I forgot isn't good enough, you know the rules. Grounded for a week now mate.
Awww, that's not fair! S'not my fault I forgot!
(Me laughing) So who's fault is it then??
Is it my fault you forgot? No! You know the rules X, grounded for one day for every 5 minutes.
You could have come and got me earlier!
Big discussion about how he wanted the responsibility, and that's why I don't come looking for him anymore! (He's not allowed out of a set area - within calling distance) Not discussing this any further, as it's now bedtime anyway.

Today, just had friend knock for him, he answered the door, explained he was grounded, and came back in lounge, sat down and started crying.
What are you crying for?
Me and Y had loads planned and now coz I'm grounded I can't do ANYTHING!
(Calmly) Well 1. You can stop the tears, and 2. you know why you're grounded so 3. You'll make sure you're not late when you're ungrounded won't you?!
It's not MY fault I forgot
So who's fault is it then X? Mine? Your sisters?? Y's???
Oh you always blame me when it's not even my fault (more tears)
So explain to me whose fault it is then that you were late.
..... More of the same for the next 10/15 minutes, till I got really annoyed and told him to take his tears upstairs and go argue with himself!

NOTHING is ever 'his' fault even when there's nobody else TO blame, he point blank refuses to take responsibility for anything! His room, his actions.... you name it.
I've explained thousands of times about how actions have reactions/consequences
I've drawn comparisons when he's commented on other people's 'faults'

Any ideas because I'm seriously losing my sense of humour!
His sister was never like this, and here's me thinking girls were worst lol