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  1. #21
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    I think you have done the right thing and wish you all the best in your new circumstances

    stick with the forum and you will be fine
    Happy to be back with the Greenies

  2. #22
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    It must be a relief to have made a decision. Good Luck.

  3. #23
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    Wow, good for you : that was really brave .

    Must be such a relief to have got it off your chest...

    The end of May's really not that long. Bet you can't wait Good luck with going it alone, hope everything works out well for you xxx.

    Take care,

  4. #24
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    lol well we had another fall out over when to tell the parents. I told her i wanted to do it asap and she didnt so i said we would tell them in april which she wasent happy about. I just assumed we would be telling the parents all at the same time and we would do it together so we both have the chance to say what we wanted to. She has decided she is going to tell parents on a one to one basis and she wants to tell them on her own. Im really not that botherd all im going to tell parents is we are splitting ways shes opening a nursery and its up to them where they go from may. I dont fell they need to know the ins and outs of everything thats gone on and im not going to ***** about her as its not very professional really. What she is going to say to them on the other hand is a diffrent matter.

  5. #25
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    sounds like she wants it all her own way and was hoping to get them all on her own, i would now be telling parents asap.... as you said not going in to detail but that she is opening a nursery etc...
    Dust its Fairy Dust

  6. #26
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    I would seriously consider talking to the parents now and disolving the partnership sooner rather than later,

    there is the tax year to take into consideration...

    why does she want to talk to the parents on their own? it sounds like maybe she is trying to steal all the children for her nursery???

    what type of nursery is she opening, is she pitching it as a 'home style nursery'

    this one sounds bad!!!

  7. #27
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    MMMMMmmmm I wouldnt let her call all the shots. If you have been working together then its both your responsibility to tell the parents and not just her. Sounds very much to me like she will be trying to take them all with her or cherry pick the good payers.

    I think you have to stand your ground here and insist that its more professional to talk to them together and let them know the options of what each of you are offering and then they can make their decisions based on that.

    I wouldnt let her walk all over you, stand your ground and dont let it become nasty, be the bigger person at trying to keep it all civil

    good luck and remember we are all here to support

  8. #28
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    shes in the process of registering a small nursery ( based in a house, which she will have half the acess to, the other half is lived in) I think thats why she has such a problem with doing sooner rather than later as the registration hasent gone through yet, which I can understand but on the other hand why should I let her use my home while she gets up and running, We are still partners until may so all profits made here will be split down the middle. She has made it clear that she wants me to have no part in her new business which is fine with me but it just frustrating that until may she has all the rights to know whats going on in my business

  9. #29
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    get rid before the end of march (tax year).

    send ALL parents letters/emails explaining the situation asap

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackcat View Post
    get rid before the end of march (tax year).

    send ALL parents letters/emails explaining the situation asap
    I agree with Blackcat, dont let her call the shots in the end its your home hunni xx
    Joy xx

  11. #31
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    your been too nice to your partner (i agree , you need to keep it professional) but it sounds like she is going to try an d s**t on you big time and then you will have no income.
    Get the parents informed asap , if she is not reg yet you still have a chance of keeping some mindees and even the best ones .

  12. #32
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    Just wanted to wish you luck with your future plans.

  13. #33
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    Well done on taking a stand. I have to agree with what someone else said, why not close the partnership at the end of the tax year? It would make it an awful lot easier to start your own business from the beginning of the new tax year in April.

    Put it to her as a positive thing - it'll make the tax calculations easier for you both, it'll mean you can both get on with your own businesses and as you can tell your friendship is starting to suffer and you'd rather settle things now rather than see it deteriorate any more

    Put yourself first & before you know it you'll be running your own business as you want to

  14. #34
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    I'm glad you decided this hon. I think it' s the best decisions.
    if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got

  15. #35
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    Is this a partnership? Do you have a partnership agreement?
    I wondered when I first started reading about the split of profits, and how that works. Surely, as it is your home, you should have been charging her rent, or something? As it is wear & tear on your home, your costs are more. I suppose this is academic now, as you are splitting.
    Make sure you protect yourself, and your family home, especially when splitting resources and the families that stay.
    I would have thought that continuity of care (your trump card!) is important here, so you should get first pick of the families you want to keep, if they all want to stay.
    I feel for the families, 'cos they thought they were sorted and may find themselves in the middle of a fight now

    Good luck with it all, and I hope you get it sorted

  16. #36
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    Hi girls thanx for all your support,
    When we first started up together last may we both agreed that I would get £100 each month for bills ect, since then my bills seem to be going up (obversly as the heating is on 12 hours a day and also the cooking and lighting to) so in january I spoke to her and we decided to do meter readings to see exactly how much we were spending in a typical business day it worked out it was near enought £30 a week just for gas and elelctric, I put this to her and told her i needed £175 a month rather than £100, she wasent happy with this and it was just getting a bit rediculase she was saying that I use some of that electic as i have my fridge and other appliences on throught the day. This is when I decided that I didnt want to do it with her anymore. But becasuse I dont like confrunatation I just told her that it was getting to much doing it from my house anymore. We started looking at the places and we were origonally going to open the nursey together but when I spoke to my partner about it we both felt it was too much money to pull out a month as we have just started getting back on track with our bills in the last couple of months. She decided to do it on her own and is now going into partnership with someone else and this is how im where I am now

  17. #37
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    sorry - but to put it bluntly she is p**sing on you from a great height!!!
    You house, you call the shots. Tell the parents that as of May she is leaving to start a nursery - you will still be available and if anyone would like to sign new contracts with just you then you have x spaces available and will try to accomodate as many as possible. How dare she suggest its acceptable to want to talk to the parents on her own - it is at the minute a JOINT business, not her business that you are a helper at - don't let her steal all your business hun just because you are too nice to stand up for yourself.
    Get the parents told, then get those that want to stay put to sign new contracts to start in May (but get the contracts signed asap.) You don't have to bad mouth her but you do have to put your foot down and not let her call the shots.
    Blessed Be!

  18. #38
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    Im going to call a parents meeting and tell all the parents when they are all together, im going to do this in April and have told her what im going to do and its her choice if she wants to be there or not, im not going to bad mouth her as i dont feel its either appropriate or proffesional, Im just going to make them aware of the situation and they can make thier own mids up from there.

    I can understand where she is coming from tho as her place isent even registerd yet so she hasent really got anywere to go in may, but on the other hand im not being used as a base until she sorts her place out

    Dose anyone know if she is entiteled to anything else ( the agreement we came to is I keep the business name, logo and anything to do with it ie website and bank account) and she keep the car once it has been de stickerd is there anything else im missing, for some reason she is very intrested in the books and bank account.

    Also we havent got a contact or anything we just came to a verbal agreement when we first started up

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by adele1985 View Post
    Hi girls thanx for all your support,
    When we first started up together last may we both agreed that I would get £100 each month for bills ect, since then my bills seem to be going up (obversly as the heating is on 12 hours a day and also the cooking and lighting to) so in january I spoke to her and we decided to do meter readings to see exactly how much we were spending in a typical business day it worked out it was near enought £30 a week just for gas and elelctric, I put this to her and told her i needed £175 a month rather than £100, she wasent happy with this and it was just getting a bit rediculase she was saying that I use some of that electic as i have my fridge and other appliences on throught the day. This is when I decided that I didnt want to do it with her anymore. But becasuse I dont like confrunatation I just told her that it was getting to much doing it from my house anymore. We started looking at the places and we were origonally going to open the nursey together but when I spoke to my partner about it we both felt it was too much money to pull out a month as we have just started getting back on track with our bills in the last couple of months. She decided to do it on her own and is now going into partnership with someone else and this is how im where I am now
    so she doesn't want to keep any of the mindees food in the fridge then hon you are well rid. try to do it before the end of the tax year, I def. agree with this. It'll be neater all round financially.
    if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got

  20. #40
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    lol no i have a seprate fridge to the kids so the business food didnt get muddled up with mine, when we split im just gonna buy a new fridge and use it for both as it really wont matter if its for the business or not as it will be my business.


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