Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees
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  1. #1
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    Default Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    Said to my dh this morning that I was finished tonigh at 530 for the week. Mum doesnt need me for the next couple of days. Dh looked at me and said what about "T" now I hadnt forgotten about her shes just more part of family.

    Am I mean to feel like its work for some of them and not for others. But "t" and her family are different T and ds are in the same class in fact most of the class think they are twins (dont look like each other). One mum even said to me I dont know how you managed having twins and having a younger one and dont you have older ones. Yes but I have never had twins and some of them arent mine. She replyed that she would not have known I was a childminder as I treated them all the same - a good compliement.

    Some children do fit in with the dyaminics of your house better than others
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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    definately, my oldest mindee has been with me 2 years (i looked after him before reg) and he's just kinda 'here'

    hes always off playing with my kids in there rooms, he has dinner here every night, im very close to his family (+ there very reliable)

    i know we shouldnt but i know i have more of a bond with him than my other 2
    What a crock!!!

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    I think you naturally bond with some children rather than others. It's not that I treat them differently it's just that I gel better with some than others. It's often if the child's and family's values closely match your own. It's difficult to get on with some children especially those that regularly trash your things and treatyou and your house with disrespect!
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  4. #4
    ~Chelle~ Guest

    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    We have one little one who I have had since he was 6 months old and he is nearly 4 and he "fits" in really well.

    So much so he thinks of my sons as his older brothers, as his older brothers have all grown up and left home. He always says that my oldest son is his best mate lol

    I have a great relationship with his mum and dad and he feels more like a nephew than a mindee.

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    Couldn't agree more, there are some that just fit in, and others are like a square peg in a round hole!!!! LOL

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    yep have to agree there,, infact one mindee has been with me since reception year,, is now in year 2 and he's more like part of the furniture,, not really 'work' at all,, he's lovley, kind and thoughtful and gets on great with my 10yrold, sad thing is hes mum may be made redundant and I will really miss him if he goes

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    I looked after one mindee from 3yrs until she was 13yrs, she is now 16yrs and my 22yr old daughter and her regard each other as's rather lovely really

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    I've got two girls of my own and we can't afford to have another child and anyway my body is shot anyway But my two year old mindee is like the son I'll never have.
    He is my first mindee and fits in really well. I knew that from the very begining when he went away for a week and I cried about it
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  9. #9
    jumpinjen Guest

    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    i have one that i've had since four months old and she's counted as one of my own kids for the purposes of days off etc..... praps because her mum trusts me implicitly and loves it that daughter treated as extra sibling to mine so if i only have her i can go see my mum for the day mith my girls too and x gets spoiled along with my own girls, so it doesn't feel like work with her.... the other one definately feels like work though!! i know exactly how you feel!

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    Oh yes! The first baby I minded from 9 months had to leave when she began full time school. She and her mum are both like part of the family. I miss the LO so much, I sometimes ask if she wants to come out with us in school hols
    Just so I can see her for a while.

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    Same with me. I have one little boy who have had from 6 months old and he is 3 1/2 now. I have 3 girls of my own so he is like the little boy i never had. He thinks my girls are his sisters and treats our home as his. As you all say lovely when that happens. Sad thing is he wont be going to school by me so I ll loose him next year. Cant imagine

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    I have 1 little boy who I feel so comfortable with, he really is part of the family. My son treats him like a brother. Parents are great & we even borrowed their house in France for our summer holiday this year (free of charge!).

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    Yes I feel the same with all mine, most have been with me a long time and I have a nearly 13yr old who started as a baby who now visits as she 'left me' over a year ago when started secondary, I also had her sister from nearly 2yrs and shes 18yrs now and they were my daughter's bridesmaids 7yrs ago.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    Its lovely to have a mindee who becomes part of the family. We had one little girl who virtually lived here. She was like part of our family and was automatically counted her in for everything we did. Gutted when the family emigrated.
    With the other mindees I find we clock watch for pick up times and wait until they have gone to have our meals.

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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    As someone said you take to some children more than others and the other way round too.

    I have one mindee at the moment who has the most horrendous tantrums and can be such hard work at times but I just melt every time I see him. I really miss him when he isn't here and so do my children. Infact Mitchell has started telling everyone that this mindee is his cousin

    Oh but for the other mindee I am constantly clock watching

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  16. #16
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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    I have a 12 and 10 yr old set of sibling ex mindees (had from baby and toddler till school) who come for a couple of days in school hols - mum needs some time to work but says they come for their social life
    Happy to be back with the Greenies

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Do you have mindees that do feel like mindees

    i have just lost one (she's moved to America) that while she was here was one of the family i think it's because her mum and dad where so lovely and took a lot of time chatting to dds and taking an interest in them it was such a lovely relationship ah well we'll stay in contact and hopefully they'll be back in a couple of years
    shelley xxxxxxxxxxxxx



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