hi all...

I'm going through a taxing stage with my own 3 year old.. he doesn't really seem to like me minding babies.. first of all they get picked up, dressed etc etc.. and secondly they keep dismantling everything he tries to play with so he's spent a lot of time perched on the sofa watching telly as otherwise they touch his hair, pull his hoody etc etc.. and he finds it all annoying..

On top of this.. he's really being challenging at the moment.. today on the way out of school he ran out of the playground and practically into the road.. its really difficult knowing if I should be abandoning the buggy and pegging it to him.. well this is what I did do in the end...

all this palava each day along with the constant.. 'put your shoes on please' x 10 type issues are soo exhausting.. its not even 6pm and I feel like going to bed...

I'm feeling a bit low at the mo.. and feel all I'm ever doing is working or cleaning.. or cooking or washing.. or cleaning..etc etc..

I'm a single mum with 2 kids and I'm feeling exhausted.. I do get support from the dad but its all feeling like such a slog at the mo...

what can you recommend I do with my 3 year old? I sometimes wonder if he's grown out of the toys I've got.. I've not had money to buy new toys in a long time and wonder if he is getting bored...or could it just be they are not burning off enough energy.. I'm not sure