I just wanted to say........how rude!!!
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    Unhappy I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    Hello guys and Happy New Year to you all. I just wanted to have a bit of a post-Christmas rant (sorry!)

    Im fairly new to this minding lark (about 2 1/2 months now) and have a few mindees, mainly after schoolies and have had them all from the start. As I have them every day I feel like I play quite a significant part in their lives, one of the after schoolies I have her sister from 1pm every day too so know them really well, anyway, I buy them all Christmas presents, spending about £8 on each child, and write them all Christmas cards as well as the parents and go out on Christmas eve delivering them all (as the week before christmas I had alot off sick) but I havent had one single Christmas card or present from any of them (not that thats the main problem!!) but none of them have even so much as sent me a quick thank you text!! I just cant believe it! I got a text New Years Eve from one mum (one of my good ones too!!) and before I read it I thought "oo maybe shes texting to say thank you for all the pressies" (she has two lo's) but no, she just wanted me to have them for a few more hours this week as school had an inset day. I feel really disheartened - maybe I shouldnt let it get to me and I know officially its a job but I bring them into my home, as part of my family, both my husband and daughter interact with them well and I thought the parents viewed me in the same way - maybe I am being too nieve sorry, very long rant over!

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    Yes it is rude. Sadly it happens a lot

    Hugs xx

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by sarah707 View Post
    Yes it is rude. Sadly it happens a lot

    Hugs xx
    Oh no!! Think I need to toughen up a bit then Sarah!! I just thought it was human decency to say thank you for something, I even thank neighbours for cards etc when I see them in the street, let alone someone who I trust to care for my child everyday!!! Oh well, spose I'll make a start on my paperwork-that may help (finished off with some Baileys of course!!) Hope youve had a lovely christmas. xx

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    ive had all my mindees for nearly a year now, and i have been treated much in the same way as you, oh well, we toughen up and not let it affect us next year.

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    Yes some are very rude...thing is without us they couldnt go to work....

    My friends dad says your only as good as your 4 wks notice.

    It sad but I think its true...sorry

  6. #6
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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    I don't mind not receiving presents or cards, but I do feel put out if I don't even get a thank you.
    I'm lucky in that all my parents texted me on xmas day to say thank you for their presents & how much they appreciated them. It meant a lot to me that they took the time to text. I know we're paid to do our job, but a bit of acknowledgement is always nice.

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    saying thanks takes nothing and i ususaly get a thanks of the children i mind,,, I mind for 7 familes at the moment and from them I got 3 pressies and the 4th parent also bought for my children and OH too,,, it really makes me feel appriciated when that happens,,, I dont expect gifts not do i worry about those that dont buy them but I know how you feel as i feel more appriciated from those that do buy than those that dont,,,,, My mindees get a book and selection box each,,not a great deal but then i have 9 mindees to buy for,, one child even messaged me on facebook to say thanks so no your not expecting too much when you feel you should be thanked,, maybe they will thanksyou when the come back tuesday

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    On the whole I am very lucky with my parents. Having said that, I text them all on Boxing Day thanking them for their presents and saying I hoped they all had a lovely Christmas - only 1 out of 6 parents replied

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    I wrote my thank you cards earlier for my mindee's parents, but haven't thanked them otherwise apart from when they handed the presents to me (2 parents, kindly got my DS 3 presents and 1 for me), I wasn't expecting anything. You never know like Mushpea said you may well get a thank you on Tuesday either from the parents or mindee. Hx

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    Before getting too upset about this, have you concidered they may have done hand written thank you cards or something and are waiting to thank you in person?
    My son writes all his own thank you cards. We never phone or text to say thanks... we'd rather do it personally. Give them a chance.

    But if they haven't said thanks within the next week I'd say you have an absolute right to feel !
    Tracey x

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie1! View Post
    Oh no!! Think I need to toughen up a bit then Sarah!! I just thought it was human decency to say thank you for something, I even thank neighbours for cards etc when I see them in the street, let alone someone who I trust to care for my child everyday!!! Oh well, spose I'll make a start on my paperwork-that may help (finished off with some Baileys of course!!) Hope youve had a lovely christmas. xx
    it is the polite thing hon but unfortunately some people just weren't brought up with same standards -suppose it's not their fault really you can't make people appreciate you. I've had both kinds of parents over the years and you learn to live with it though I was still upset this year by a parent who let me mindee 'write' my card but then never bothered to even sign her name or put a message in it . Over time you will get some parents who more vocally appreciate you and it does feel nice.
    if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got

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    we haven't thanked anyone for our gifts yet, we have been making cards to do this and will give them out when we see people. give it time maybe they're just unorganized like me!
    shelley xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mamasheshe View Post
    we haven't thanked anyone for our gifts yet, we have been making cards to do this and will give them out when we see people. give it time maybe they're just unorganized like me!
    Same here. I haven't worked at all over Christmas and we are writing little thank you notes to give out next week when I go back to work and see people again. See what happens then.


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    Default Re: I just wanted to say........how rude!!!

    I haven't thanked any of my parents for their gifts yet as I am not working until tomorrow. I intend to thank them as I usually do when they arrive or write a thank you in their diaries.
    I usually receive thank you cards in January for the gifts I gave to the children.

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    I hope they have the decency to thank you in person when they next see you. I'm lucky with the majority of parents but there are always some who will just see you as the hired help unfortunately.

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    Thanks guys, I know what you all mean about when they come back, I havent sent my lo's thank you notes yet but did text people on xmas day and boxing day to say thank you or sent messages via facebook with pics of her opening them. I text all my parents over christmas wishing them merry christmas and heard nothing back and when I delivered the presents I text to say where I had left them (as none of them were in) and two didnt reply at all and the other two replied and just said ok!! Dont get me wrong, i may be eating my words tomorrow if they turn up with a note/drawing etc but I would have been happy with a quick, oh thank you very much and happy xmas, text. Hey Ho - I live and learn I guess!! Hope you are all having a good new year so far and good luck to those starting back tomorrow!!xx



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