Hi everyone

Not posted for a long time; has been very quite on the childminding front

I have a newbee starting in January and his mum would like me to take him to a Childrens Centre. At the moment I have a 19 mnth old mindee and I want to take him to my local group on a Monday (childminders session) that way when the new lo starts in January I will have got to know my centre. Trouble is I am a very anxious person and I am finding the thought of going to a drop in centre on my own very very very daunting!!!

Over the weekend I have worked myself up into a frenzy about going today (one minute I've decided to go, the next I've talked myself out of it ). Well it's got to Monday and I haven't gone and now I'm beating myself up about not going (I feel such a failure). I feel that I should be going to these groups and that when I have my NCMA/Ofsted visits they are going to pull me up on this. The thought of meeting new people terrifies me.

Does anyone else get anxious about things like this?