I was checking my details on the local FIS website yesterday and noticed that I have been put down as only having a satisfactory result in my last inspection.
I am accredited and so the inspection was split between education and childcare, I got a GOOD for the childcare but SATISFACTORY for education for the simple reason I did not have any children in the 3/4 age bracket who I was claiming funding for, although I had been doing obs planning etc with the 4 year old I looked after (she had her funding a pre-school) (the inspection was 3 years ago).
I contacted FIS to ask them to change this for me. This is their reply
The information we hold on our system for your record is correct and is as you stated, all information held on childcare provision by local authority gets uploaded to the national directory (FIDy). However this is a government external website of which we have no influence over.
What I am going to do to-day is report this to the organisation that operate this website, they have clearly not taken into consideration the details of inspections that we split into education and childcare. I have no doubt this will get resolved but as to what timespan that will be I cannot comment I am afraid.
Now this is quite worrying and I would like to ask that all of you who are accredited and had the old type of inspection, to check your details on the FIS website if you are on there. Some others might not be showing the correct details, and it might be putting parents off calling childminders if they think that they do not have a very good inspection grading. Especially so if you are outstanding and this is not showing.
Sorry for the long one but I feel that this is important.