wanna cry
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Thread: wanna cry

  1. #1
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    Default wanna cry

    have i dun right thing mum came this mornin both kids conjuntivitus she sed she started drops on sat but she doesnt no if they still have it

    there eyes loked swallen i stated not aloud here due to contamination and then when she got paked ready for car she sed wel doctor sed after 24 hours be fine

    and sed got 2 go now bye sharply i feel like **** and dnt no if iv dun right thing

    she wantedme 2 put drops in his eyes she reli not happy IM new 2 all this

  2. #2
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    bless you, every minder works differently and you have to go with how you feel when the situation arrises, i personally would of not taken them back until the infection had cleared but i would of also wanted to have know before they were being dropped off too!!!

    I think that you have done the right thing and i would have done the same, ignore the mum have a cup of tea and relax, remember its your business and your sickness policy too! dont let the parents walk over you, stand firm with your policies as i am sure a playschool or school would, and we care for more children than just one set of parents........

    sending hugs

    jen xx mum of two and one on the way,
    always on the go!!!!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    Thank u i feel silly but she was so moody wiv me and i feel like iv got it already unles it tears ready 2 explode lol but my mum gets stuf like that easily and it her home iv text the woman sayin 2moz be fine as long as know gunky stuff but she said shed rather shop!! xxx iv mentioned im stil geting paid thoxx

  4. #4
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    Oh dear. I saw your post yesterday about this family and i thought then 'oh dear' but that takes the biscuit this morning what they have done on you. What do you want to do, do you want to keep them with you today and run the risk of contamination or do you want parents to collect? Now that you have had time to reflect on it i assume you want mum to collect and now that you are not under pressure with mum rushing off, give her a call and ask to collect immediately. Have you give them a sickness policy? If so, what does it say on it for exclusion for conjunctivitis?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    heya it a dif family lol so they lil gal wud get contaminated if she came 2day x i sent both kids home and mum lol cuz we were chatting about it 4 half hour! i sed sorry but i cant x

  6. #6
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    oh right, oh im glad you sent them home. You definately did the right thing!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    I tend to go by these guidelines, which state there doesn't need to be an exclusion time for conjunctivitis


    I don't even insist that children get treatment for it as it's not always necessary and it will usually clear up without drops anyway.

    But everyone works differently. It's your own business and you must run it as you want to. If your policy is to exclude children who have conjunctivitis, then the parents must respect that. Perhaps now would be a good time to remind the mum of your policy & clarify with her when you will or won't have the children.

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    I don't exclude as long as got treatment for it. BUt it would depend on just how bad it was, as if it effected the rest of the children, ie: not been able to carry on with the normal day then I would ask for them to be kept at home. It can be really painful and sore

  9. #9
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    My dd kept getting sent home form nursery with conjunctivitis. Took her docs each time and they said it wasn't she just has a blocked tear duct.

    After the 5th time in 2 months the doctor gave me a print out saying that there was no need for exclusion even if it was conjunctivitis once they have drops and to give it to the nursery. She's not been sent home with it since lol

    If its your policy to exclude and parents have agreed to this then they shouldn't have a problem tho

  10. #10
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    Quote Originally Posted by hollyoaksmad View Post
    have i dun right thing mum came this mornin both kids conjuntivitus she sed she started drops on sat but she doesnt no if they still have it

    there eyes loked swallen i stated not aloud here due to contamination and then when she got paked ready for car she sed wel doctor sed after 24 hours be fine

    and sed got 2 go now bye sharply i feel like **** and dnt no if iv dun right thing

    she wantedme 2 put drops in his eyes she reli not happy IM new 2 all this
    I would have done the same as you hun, conjunctivitis is extremely contagious, I had a mindee who contracted it, mum took him to the doctors and he was given drops which had to be used twice a day for 5 days, I refused to have him until his eyes were clear of infection, otherwise if he rubbed his eyes and touched toys it could have been passed on not only to other mindees but also to myself and my own family and that would have then meant that I would have had to take time off with no pay due to mine or my family's illness which I cant afford to do or I would have had very unhappy parents who`s children had contracted conjunctivitis. The little ones eyes were better after 3 days of drops so I agreed for him to attend and administered his drops.
    Don't feel bad, you have to make decisions that you believe are for the best of everyone and that's all that matters.
    sending big hugs and kisses hun xxxxxxxx

  11. #11
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    Thank u guys need the hugs lol xx

  12. #12
    Blue Boy Guest

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    Her e is one from me

  13. #13
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    thank u cud u tel me if i av to write this in exisiting injury i no it not injury but just checking where i write this

  14. #14
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    Default Re: wanna cry

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I tend to go by these guidelines, which state there doesn't need to be an exclusion time for conjunctivitis


    I don't even insist that children get treatment for it as it's not always necessary and it will usually clear up without drops anyway.

    But everyone works differently. It's your own business and you must run it as you want to. If your policy is to exclude children who have conjunctivitis, then the parents must respect that. Perhaps now would be a good time to remind the mum of your policy & clarify with her when you will or won't have the children.

    I was about to post a similar thing. Over a year ago I had a problem with my eyes and was surprised when my GP gave me a prescription for drops but said not to get them for three days because a lot of research has been done and found that most infections clear within that time. He also said that you should not need to exclude a child purely for having conjunctivitis as long as they are well in themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    He also said that you should not need to exclude a child purely for having conjunctivitis as long as they are well in themselves.
    he doesn't have to go round cleaning all the toys after each child touches them though

  16. #16
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    Hope you are ok

    Sending hugs

    Angel xx



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