hello all,

i have a mindee whose parent allow her to take larger toys to preschool. yesterday was a dolly pram today a scooter. thing is sometimes we walk home which turns into a nightmare as half way she doesnt want it anymore and i end up having to carry it the rest of the way. its not too bad if i only her but on the days i have 2 its a nightmare and in a few weeks i will have 2 little ones in pram (10 months and 19 months) and 2 walking (4 years) which will leave me no free hands. i have asked parents not to do this due to safetly etc when i have more than one but it seems not to have gone in. does anyone else have this problem and sorted it... the other issue i have with it is she is relucant to share the item when we get home with the other children.

thanks sarah