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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    Thanks for that. I'm sure i've never been told this before at my ICP training.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    How odd that you should mention this - I only asked this question at my ICP a month or two ago! Lol! Thank you Sarah - you lot are always on the ball and have the answer. I should have just asked you guys because my tutor didn't have a clue really!
    I've registered now though - I'd rather be safe than sorry!

  3. #23
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    The problem I have is that only the minority of childminders are registering themselves. Most childminders don't know about the digital camera rule, and many that do laugh it off as ridiculous. It's more expensive than renewing your ofsted registration. IMO it needs to be universal. I would suggest that ofsted gave the ICO a full contact database of childminders so it could automatically send all childminders a notification.

    Except they can't because of the Data Protecion Act. Oh, the irony!!!

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    Am I right in thinking that if you took the photos for obs on an old film camera and popped it into Boots or similar for processing you would NOT have to register? Even though you would be basically handing over the photos of mindees to strangers?
    I've lost 11lbs so far with!

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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    Quote Originally Posted by Pauline View Post
    This is an old thread GP so it could be that the page has been moved on their website.
    Thanks Pauline, didn't even notice the date!

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    Quote Originally Posted by marzi View Post
    Am I right in thinking that if you took the photos for obs on an old film camera and popped it into Boots or similar for processing you would NOT have to register? Even though you would be basically handing over the photos of mindees to strangers?
    Yup you got it!

    Hand them over to a load of strangers and you are fine, keep them safe and secure of your computer that no one has access to and you have to register with data protection
    Pauline x

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bendalina View Post
    Just reading through for info for NVQ 3 CCLD and its staes that this now includes paperwork? as well as info stored on a computer. Just wanted to add, couldnt see if somebody had already done so or not. thanks for your valuable information guys
    Does anybody else have any information about it only being on paper?! That will mean that ALL childminders will need to then! x

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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    Quote Originally Posted by Bendalina View Post
    Just reading through for info for NVQ 3 CCLD and its staes that this now includes paperwork? as well as info stored on a computer. Just wanted to add, couldnt see if somebody had already done so or not. thanks for your valuable information guys

    If that is the case then I stand corrected, it would also include photos printed from old style cameras.
    Pauline x

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    I rang today to register, the lady on the phone said only info stored on computer and related items (digital camera etc) she tried to talk me into buying an old type camera to save me the cost of registering - bless her!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by fi fi View Post
    I rang today to register, the lady on the phone said only info stored on computer and related items (digital camera etc) she tried to talk me into buying an old type camera to save me the cost of registering - bless her!!
    Excellent, thanks for clearing that up Fifi
    Pauline x

  11. #31
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    I might have to dig out my old camera haha

  12. #32
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    I contacted the ICO today and apparently if all you do is use a digital camera to take photos for observations and use a portable printer to print them off (thats not even uploading them to a pc) you need to obtain data protection registration for just using an electronic device (ie digital camera). Pure madnesss, if you use an old fashioned film camera then you dont have to. Someone please explain to me why this is and what I or my parents gain from such registration. How do the ICO police the people who register with them, surely it is a false sense of security as no-one will be inspecting us against their criteria.
    Quote Originally Posted by sarah707 View Post
    I have just posted this on my new website ... but I thought it might be a useful reminder here as well

    Data protection and the Information Commissioner’s Office

    If you keep details about other people (including staff, families or children in your care) on your computer, you may need to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) that you are a ‘data controller’ for data protection purposes.

    You do not need to inform ICO –

    • If you keep paper records;
    • If you keep necessary records for accounts purposes only;

    You might need to inform ICO –

    • If you keep records of a sensitive nature on your computer or an external hard drive;
    • If you make reference to individual staff, children or families as part of completing your SEF (this would not normally be necessary though);
    • If you keep photographs from which the children can be identified on your computer or an external hard drive;
    • If you upload photographs from which the children can be identified for processing;
    • If you keep observations or planning which contain information about a child’s –
    o Health;
    o Behaviour;
    o Development on your computer or an external hard drive;
    This affects childminders in England and Wales.

    Contacting the ICO
    • Follow the online system to check whether you need to register with the ICO. You can find it here -;
    • Ring the Notification Helpline for more advice - 01625 545740.

    Cost and completing the forms
    • Notification costs £35 a year. Diary the date you need to pay next year;
    • Do not forget that the £35 payment is tax deductable;
    • To describe the kind of data you hold on your computer, you should use template N894 – Nursery School / Playgroup / After school Club in the Education Section.

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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    Quote Originally Posted by Jilldavis View Post
    I contacted the ICO today and apparently if all you do is use a digital camera to take photos for observations and use a portable printer to print them off (thats not even uploading them to a pc) you need to obtain data protection registration for just using an electronic device (ie digital camera). Pure madnesss, if you use an old fashioned film camera then you dont have to. Someone please explain to me why this is and what I or my parents gain from such registration. How do the ICO police the people who register with them, surely it is a false sense of security as no-one will be inspecting us against their criteria.
    This is a very old thread you have found from May 2009.

    The position for childminders is much clearer now than it was then.

    Now we know that if we use any kind of electronic device (computer, camera etc) then we MUST register as we are classed as a data handler.

    I am sure many childminders agree with your sentiments , however ours is not to reason why.

  14. #34
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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    The position for childminders is much clearer now than it was then

    I only spoke to my DO about this 2 weeks ago and she told me no not to bother but I do use a digitial camera and my laptop

    Pixie dust

  15. #35
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    Default Re: Registering with the information commissioner's office

    I have registered.....and please correct me if im wrong ( i know you will ) ....................

    I thought it was any personal details you have on Mindees and their families that are kept on paper or on the computer as well as as photos, even those kept in LJ's.

    Needs to Zumba

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    Think this needs to be brought up again as lots of childminders have not registered

    Dawn x

  17. #37
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    ok here come the thickie childminder
    just to clarify;
    i use a digital camera and print the pics on my pogo and then also store them on an sd card but do not store them on my computer,,, do i need to register?

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mushpea View Post
    ok here come the thickie childminder
    just to clarify;
    i use a digital camera and print the pics on my pogo and then also store them on an sd card but do not store them on my computer,,, do i need to register?
    if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got

  19. #39
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    Well i rang them today and this is how it went
    me; of what benifit is this to me and the children in mysetting
    me;where does the money actualy go
    them; towards the paper work
    me; what is the money i pay for
    them;its a legal requirment
    me; yes but what is it actutaly for
    them; because its a legal requirment
    me; so how does it help me
    them; 'big pause' if your camera gets stolen and pics go on the internet you can ring us
    me; will you help take the photos of the internet or does this cover my back in anyway
    them; um no
    me; so whats the point
    them; its a legal requirment

    then they went on to talk about the freedom of information act and as the explained it to me people could find out who i am from the internet which to me causes a confidentiality issue for myself and if people have acces to my personal information then anyone could visit my setting.
    yes my details are on the goverment website but only my phone number and email address not my home address.
    so now I am not sure wether to pay or not,, I do not want my details on any website or there for people to gain by using the freedom of info act as to me this poses a risk to my family and the children in my care and also i dont want to pay because as far as i can make out all this money does is pay for the running of their office and i have to pay cause its a legal requirment??

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    Quote Originally Posted by mushpea View Post
    as far as i can make out all this money does is pay for the running of their office and i have to pay cause its a legal requirment??

    But because it is a legal requirement we are breaking the law if we do not register.

    Rock...hard place...childminders


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