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  1. #1
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    Default How's it been for you?

    Well first week of Easter school hols is over for us PHEW!

    Wasn't too bad, at least the weather was fairly good.

    We've been to the river and the nature reserve this week (Risk assessments fully completed ) Graham made spotting sheets (not spotted sheets like Angel thought!) but sheets with pictures of things we might spot.

    Even the little ones enjoyed 'ticking' off the things they had seen - excellent mark making obs completed!

    Today we've been to see a variety of animals and snakes.

    We've also made paper plate Easter Bonnets, easter chicks, eaten hot cross buns and had fun.

    Think we have covered every Early Learning area. Hope you've all had a good time too!

    Happy Easter!
    Pauline x

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Spent most of the time down the nature reserve or the park Im lucky no EYFS apart from my own so havent had to give that a second thought

    Not back at work till Thursday so yay got a bit of time off.

    The girls have designed t shirts and we have set up a hairdressing studio while I have crimped and curled to an inch of their lives even my ds (20 has had a curl put in lol)

    Hope everyone else has had a good first week!!!!
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    That's our first week over too, and it was a breeze. I only had 2 mindees mon, tues, wed and one today and now I AM ON HOLIDAY

    Easter crafts, outings to park, soft play and skating, no school runs. This is when I love my job best
    Ali xx

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    I spent most of our time at the park and doing lots of Easter crafts and activities and it didn't go too badly considering I hate to work the school hols.

    I now have a week off!! So I will be thinking of you girls hard at work when I get put of bed at 9 in the morning all next week

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    I'm exhausted Only had my own children to run around after too
    Monday we visited the local park that still was not open, they are doing up the play area so visited another park - football etc.. along with us.
    Tuesday we went to the pine woods in the morning swimming in the afternoon and then played in the garden
    Wednesday at a children party in the bowling alley
    Thursday (today) went to Skipton in Yorkshire with my Mum and Dad went on a barge trip on the canal had a pic nic then visited the castle.
    Friday (tomorrow) make a mental note hand the children over to hubby Only joking we are off to Rufford Hall for an easter egg hunt with the national trust.

    So as you can see I have been sooo busy, I'd rather be working I think
    Avril x

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Thats me off now for a whole week! Have had quite a stressful week - finding it really hard to amuse my after-schoolers from 9-5pm, although I had loads planned - egg hunt, made easter bonnets, treasure trail, baking, park etc. I still dreaded the words "what are we doing next?" Grrr......! The weather in Scotland has been wet wet wet today but we decorated eggs & made nests but I let them have a movie in the afternoon which seemed to go down well with the older mindees - bought popcorn & made tickets just like the "movies". Feel so relaxed now even though its pouring with rain outside - cos I dont care cos I'M ON HOLIDAY!!!!!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Mine has been tiring - mosty due to an 8 yr old mindee that I only have holidays who has spent most of his time niggling my 9 yr old daughter, moaning he's bored, telling porky pies or sitting around with a face like a wet weekend......

    DESPITE us doing soft play, the cinma, the park twice, a visit to the Children's Centre, a whole day in the garden on Monday, decorating Easter baskets, painting and planting plant pots, etc etc.

    And as well as that I have his 3 yr old brother full time all year round and he has done well apart from not liking sharing the toys that he is used to having to himself while everyone else is normally at school!! 5 time outs today - 3 of them one after the other because he kept disturbing my 9 yr old and the 8 yr old playing nicely (for a change!) together on the road mat!

    Dont get me wrong, it hasnt all been bad but that bad moments seem to stand out more than the goo dones as they're the most draining. My kids have done realy well this week and we just went to McDonalds as a treat for dinner.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    We've had a feb time , I love the holidays.
    We went for walks , spent time in my friends enormous garden , made Easter nest cakes and many , many crafts.
    All in all although we did so much more than if it were term time , not having to stick to someone else's schedule ( ie school ) is sooo nice.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    The week has not been so bad , up until today the weather has been great so we could get out and about, Its a bonus living 2 mins from the beach/park/swings. Yesterday exhusting only because only had girls and they bickered constantly all day. There was always one or the other moaning about the other ones !!! Today just boys 3,4 & 5 what a difference even though it has poured all day they have been so good. Our school has added 4 extra days onto the holidays so a while to go yet.

    I think we all deserve a well earned rest
    Sue x

  10. #10
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Have had a pretty stress free week, apart from one little screamer but thats another story
    Made Easter cards,nests,choc rice crispy cakes, been to park and local nature reserve. Phew im wacked
    Happy Easter
    Needs to Zumba

  11. #11
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    We've had a fab week. Spent most of it in the garden or out & about. The children have all enjoyed themselves & gone home worn out, so happy parents as well

  12. #12
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    I am exhausted!! My 2 new mindees started on Monday and I've had them 8.30 to 4.30 Mon-Weds and 8.00 to 5.00 today.

    We've been to the park more times than I can remember, baked cakes, decorated paper crowns, made playdoh, made puppets (for the cardboard puppet theatre I picked up in Ikea for the enormous sum of £1), went to a cafe for milkshake and cakes, pottered around the shops and did general slobby stuff like play with the Wii and DS consoles.

    Got 5 days off now as they're not back with me until next Wednesday - just enough time to get the house straightened back up and a bit of planning done before the cycle starts again
    Last edited by Willowdancer; 09-04-2009 at 07:12 PM.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    I've had a fab week, on holiday!! Very relaxing, hot weather in Berlin, lots of walking, good food, beer and early nights.

    It looks like I'm going to be working next week when all of you are having a relaxing time Quite a slow week for me 2 a day for three days and 3 for the forth, looks like the weather is going to be good so we will be down at the Aqua Drome, in the garden and out for walks.

    Pauline, I love the idea of 'Spotting Sheets', do you mind if I copy it?
    I think the 2 I have nex t week would love that. I do a similar thing when we go shopping so they can join in.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad this week is over with! I am dun in! Looking forward to having four days off!
    Monkey by Name........Monkey by Nature!

  15. #15
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Yep 4 lovely days off for me now too after a very busy week of easter crafts, baking and outings!! Phew

  16. #16
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    Pauline, I love the idea of 'Spotting Sheets', do you mind if I copy it?
    Not at all - enjoy!
    Pauline x

  17. #17
    TheBTeam Guest

    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Glad the week is over, i am finishing next week with the two hardest work mindees, and it can not come a day too soon!!!!!!!!!!! I have had payment hassles, child hassles, and even my own kids have given me grief!!

    Weather has been good, and only a week to go!!!

  18. #18
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Its been really good for me Have had 5 mindees plus my two but its all gone smoothly

    Monday we played at home, hit the park and went to an easter craft session at the leisure centre

    Tuesday I took 6 to Marwell Zoo. We had a wonderful day

    Wednesday we went to a friends for easter crafts and an egg hunt

    Today I had an ex mindee here for the day and the rest were so pleased to see him they played happily for ages, then this pm we went to a family fitness and fun session which was fab but I coudnt join in as it hurt my back . The kids loved it though and all went home weary

  19. #19
    Lady Haha Guest

    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    This week has flown by! Well, apart from the last three hours of today which seemed to go on forever! We have been to softplay, bowling, library for crafts and the cinema as our outings. We have made Easter baskets, easter bunny pouches and photo frames. Kids have spent ALOT of time inthe garden, even today in the rain! I had three on Monday and Tuesday and five yesterday and today. Everyone got on okay most of the time! Today we made the photo frames and as a twist from the normal pic of themselves in it for mum, I said they could either do that OR have a pic of their friend in it instead for themselves. They liked the idea and four went home with friends in their frames! I am looking forward to the next four days though! All starts again on Tuesday!

  20. #20
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    Default Re: How's it been for you?

    Its not been too bad and the weeks gone fairly quick. Wont pretend I'm not happy I've finished for over a week from today though

    Hope you all have a good break
    Helen xXx


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