Hi, I have had a look over the site in case there is something like this, but couldn't find anything, so sorry in advance if it's there and I'm being stupid!

I am running out of ideas for the monthly themes! We have done health, people who help us, feelings, modes of transport, along with the Xmas, Halloween, Easter, other cultures celebrations, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter ones! I can't repeat them as the children I look after are old enough to remember doing them last year and a couple remembr things we did the year before that! Just wondered if there was a section on the site where everyone can add/get ideas for themes from? I was so desperate that this month our theme was Birthdays as three of the kids all had a birthday this month! I have to come up with something better than that though! I would like a set of 24 themes that I could run two yearly, that would be nice!