should i still charge if.....
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    Default should i still charge if.....

    i normally collect and drop mindee off as its on way to my sons nursery, so easy for both (also as my previous thread she was always late picking him up)

    I text her last night to say im not collecting him as not driving in snow so she will have to bring him to me, she text to say she wouldnt bring him (i think she already thinks she doesnt have to pay, as im not collecting him) she also asked if my kids would go to school i said no, the school is closed anyway.

    BUT do i still charge as even though she said first that hes not coming to me, as now schools are closed my 3 year old is not at school, which means i would have 4 under 5s so i couldnt have him anyway (althought im sat here now with just 2 under 5s as my other mindee couldnt turn up either) the only reason i have the first mindee is that i have him while my sons at nursery due to the numbers,

    im not sure just in case she questions me about it which she is likely to?

    I would be inclined to say yes, as i am actually sitting here with just my own 2 and so do have a available space as the other one didnt turn up either?

    sorry if long winded!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: should i still charge if.....

    If you are open then yes I would still charge.

    You mention you would have been over your numbers if all had turned up? Even if your own child who is under 5 is at pre school/nursery they must still count in your numbers as you would be responsible for them in cases like this when they are closed hun. This is what I was told on ICP and am sure is in the EYFS pack somewhere? Mabe someone else can put me straight but that is my understanding.

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    Default Re: should i still charge if.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Jules27 View Post
    If you are open then yes I would still charge.

    You mention you would have been over your numbers if all had turned up? Even if your own child who is under 5 is at pre school/nursery they must still count in your numbers as you would be responsible for them in cases like this when they are closed hun. This is what I was told on ICP and am sure is in the EYFS pack somewhere? Mabe someone else can put me straight but that is my understanding.

    You are correct.

    A minder I know just had a warning from OFSTED for doing this as her Son is in her numbers. You can only have extra children as reflected on your certificate. Hers says 2 under 5 as her son who is 3 takes up her 3rd space. She had a 3rd mindee under 5 while her son was at pre-school and the inspector turned up unannounced. Whoops!

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    I would still charge, but it sounds like you have too many children anyway( 4 under5?) as your own would count in numbers even if at nursery? Or did I read that wrong??
    Happy to be back with the Greenies

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    Default Re: should i still charge if.....

    i am open, our school has closed, and all my mindees have cancelled ... i'm still charging! their choice not to come !!!

    and as for under 5's , unless an under 5 is at fulltime school ( ie 10 sessions a week ) they count under your numbers regardless! i have just applied for a variation to allow me to have 4 under 5's whilst my daughter is at nursery, so in effect i will have 3 of them, unless like today school is closed and i would have 4.


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    I phoned up to say to my unders that I can't come and collect them today do to the weather! The schools are closed and I am not risking the roads, it's hard because if they were local then I would be working, they were okay saying about the roads, but the dad is off today so he could in effect if he wanted to risk driving drop them off

  7. #7
    Pipsqueak Guest

    Default Re: should i still charge if.....

    yes sammy, charge, it is still her responsibility to get the child to you - you are open as normal and its her choice not to bring child to you.

    is it in the contract that you are responsible for pick up and drop of? if it is I would then perhaps charge half the going rate - if not then charge her the full lot. Sounds like she is expecting you to be a taxi service as well as a childminder

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    i would also charge you are open

  9. #9
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    i will still charge. yes it is a tricky one.

    I have 2 unders 5s, then *****mind 1 full time, then the other one 2 mornings a week he is also under 5, so i only have him when my son is at nursery - which then makes 3 under 5.

    I can see why my son should count as an extra number as im responsible for him, but if i did need to get my son then im able to take mindee home on the way to the nursery, also my husband works near the nursery so he could be his responsibility too. im sure there are ways around it. basically i would never be in the situation where i would have these 4 together. The mum knows i can only work around my sons nursery times.

    Is that still ok, if i said he was my husbands responsibility?

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    also its not in the contract to pick up and collect its just a favour

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    Default Re: should i still charge if.....

    Quote Originally Posted by sammy View Post
    i will still charge. yes it is a tricky one.

    I have 2 unders 5s, then *****mind 1 full time, then the other one 2 mornings a week he is also under 5, so i only have him when my son is at nursery - which then makes 3 under 5.

    I can see why my son should count as an extra number as im responsible for him, but if i did need to get my son then im able to take mindee home on the way to the nursery, also my husband works near the nursery so he could be his responsibility too. im sure there are ways around it. basically i would never be in the situation where i would have these 4 together. The mum knows i can only work around my sons nursery times.

    Is that still ok, if i said he was my husbands responsibility?
    No it's not ok...only if your husband is registered as an assistant /childminder & your numbers are increased to reflect things stand you are in breach of your registration conditions...which means your insurance etc is invalid!!!
    Blaze x

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    ok ill do another variation, ive already got 2 variations so i can have 4 under 5 already so shouldnt be a problem.

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    I dont understand, if you have a variation anyway, whats that for?

    My friend was told that as her certificate says 2 under 5 that is all she is allowed. Her 3 year old takes up her 3rd space and that is that. She can only have 2 extra as per her certificate. It would be the same as you so when you have 3 mindees there under 5 you are in breach of your registration and are unlikely to be insured as your certificate will say 2 under 5.

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    im allowed 3 under 5s on my registration, so if i wanted another child then i would have to ask for that, i have done so already for another 1, so i can have 4 under 5s on different occasions, but it has to be the named children that i asked for when i spoke to ofsted. they dont just increase my numbers to 4 all the time, its just who im ACTUALLY looking after.

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    I am confussed too If you have a variation for 4 under 5 then charge, but you make it sound like you could be in breach of your registration if you only have a space because another child did not turn up I don't think you should charge.


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    sorry looked like I was writing my post same time as you....

  17. #17
    Pipsqueak Guest

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    i thought a variation only applied to the named child.

    irrespective if your son is at nursery Ofsted have included him in their calculations on your certificate re ratios and classify him as your responsibiliy. I would check with someone because I feel (I could be wrong) you are breaching regs and insurance as Blaze says. I would hate to see Offy come down hard on someone for misunderstanding

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    Hi Sammy, I think you need to write down exactly who you have and when and share that with Ofsted so they can decide on what variations you might need and for which named children.

    As the other members are saying, you are responsible for your own children and they are always in your numbers, regardless of where your husband works etc.

    It would be awful if you were challenged by Ofsted or find out you are not insured.

    I imagine they will want you to write in with all the usual information about how you intend to care for the children etc... but in the meantime you could email them for general advice -

    I hope this helps

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    ok yes all done, ive written to ofsted, i was under the understanding that if my husband would be responsible for him then it would be ok. But i understand that hes in MY numbers then im responsible, oops oh well im sure its not the end of the world, it could be worse i suppose

  20. #20
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    Default Re: should i still charge if.....

    Just read this thread & sounds like everything is sorted now. Good luck with the variation



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