so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?
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  1. #61
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I dunno! Sorry Anna, but I am really not sure about the Capital grant. Surely if it were in my area I would have known about it.
    So no, I guess we didn't receive it either not dilly poo! ha

    I was offered a grant to help with courses, multicultrial things, etc - was able to claim at the most £100 maximum. I thought this was all just a part of the help you get in your first year of registering.

    Is this all a part of the Capital Grant??

  2. #62
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    Quote Originally Posted by sammy View Post
    i sent my form back in nov applying for printer/camera and laptop - havnt heard anything back yet, i might chase them soon if they dont hurry as my cam has recently broken and i dont want to pay for another as i use it all the time for my mindees. im in surrey by the way
    WHAT!!! arggghhhh! I want a new laptop, camera and printer!!!! That must be over £500 worth of stuff! It is so not fair.
    Not your fault either Sammy- sorry. ha. You are lucky - go girl!

  3. #63
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    mum2two - We both got a letter in Dec, saying Network minders could apply. As neither of us our on the network, we could't apply, so what was the point in rubbing our nose in it... We come under Basingstoke & Deane, in Hampshire.

    Seeing as I have just started the Level 3 DHC course and have applied to go on the network it seems really unfair!

    And there is only one network minder nearby out of about 8 of us, so only 1 from 8 that could of applied for the grant!

    There is so much I could have done to develop my garden to use
    all weather, and sensory etc - but no...

    i am in nth hants too, coming under hart district. i was told as a network minder i could apply ... i am in the process of registering on the network & then to become an acreditated minder. i was told i could still apply, but on reading all the bumpf i would have had to get quotes/business plan etc, and had to link application to EYFS, and they were keen on improving buildings, although i could have asked for ict stuff. then, if you wanted over £2500, you had to supply 3 quotes etc. in the end, it was far too much information required, and not much time. the NCMA/EECU in our area, didn't confirm that childminders could even apply till mid november, and then wanted applications in by 31st dec 08. what with christmas and lots of children !!! i didn't have time to research what i wanted! plus, in that i am not fully 'done' yet, i may still have not got anything!

    i don't know of any minders in my area that even applied, let alone received any grant.

    it would have been much fairer to share it out equally to all minders, or at least to all networked minders.

    loocyloo xxx

  4. #64
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    No absolutely diddley squat here in Portsmouth too!!! Good luck with it!!!

  5. #65
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    Nothing here in Gloucestershire! Network or no network!!
    Am feeling pretty miffed!!

  6. #66
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I am in Redcar and Cleveland and haven't heard anything, although I recently completed my DHC which was funded by NCMA,and am about to start my NVQ3 which is also funded by NCMA. Mind you our council are PANTS!

  7. #67
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    Hiya I live in hampshire, I wasn't allowed the grant as I wasn't a network childminder.

    Think it is all a joke, that we have to struggle to adapt our homes to fit in with the guide lines and not have help with funding.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    our local Kidslincs told me they have decided to allocate their money to outdoor equipment and will be giving it to Nurseries and creches etc first as they service more children than childminders and then maybe they will offer it to childminders if they have anything left, they said the government have given them descretion on how they give the money out !!!!!!!! I told them what I thought ........................

    Love Mrs Edward Cullen x

  9. #69
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    Unhappy Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I'm in Lancashire and asked my Network co ordinator re the grant and she said she had't heard of it, so nothing here to my knowledge.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    i asked today about my new LAPTOP, PRINTER, SCANNER and DIGITAL CAMERA, as i havtn heard since NOV, and i was told the letters would be coming out within the next few weeks to the people who have been successful, then she added and i know who those people are and gave ME a smile - so looks as if im getting it - whoo hoo!!

  11. #71
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I am based in Tameside, Manchester.
    Our grants were not distrubed we had to apply for it!!

    The sent a massive self evaluation form for us to fill basically saying what you got and why want you improve it etc
    Then the same packed application saying almost the same thing.

    I didnt apply as was too much hassle, it had to be in just before crimbo and only recoieved it begin of dec.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    i went yesterday and spent my £100 vouchter here are the things i got

    wooden train set
    extra trains
    teaching clock with numbers and shapes
    6 fairy jigsaws
    jigsaw books x2
    bingo foods from around the world
    lacing pictures
    12 phonics books
    goldilocks and 3 bears puppets
    6 cube jigsaws

    i had lots of fun spending the money as it wasnt my money

  13. #73
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I didnt know i was entitled to anything so maybe I wasnt ... how did you get to hear about it?

  14. #74
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    As Sarah707 says nothing much in cheshire - nurseries got it though - I queried this and wasn't told anything about the minders Sarah mentioned but was told that no money was being given to minders because they could leave at any time. To make up for that they are offering 3 lots of training with limited spaces but you can only attend 1 lot of training. At the end of your chosen course you will be given a gift as follows 1) Heuristic play - a treasure basket, 2) ICT - a kiddies digital camera, a photo printer &/or some other piece of IT equipment, & 3) Block Play - a set of large blocks that would take up half of your paly space. Not fair and not ideal.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I have had a confirmation letter saying they will find me £383.20 not £500 as the plants I put down for the sensory garden cannot be funded, but the bendy mirrors and geo mobiles and finishing off the decking area is funded, just got to wait for the cheque now, and have to spend it within the month and send in original reciepts

  16. #76
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    nothing in shropshire

  17. #77
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I'm in Hampshire too, and on a network. I applied, but we don't hear till the end of Feb. The application form was a nightmare, having to justify ourselves several times over on differnt forms at different times, for different people.

  18. #78
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    Quote Originally Posted by huggableshelly View Post
    I didnt know i was entitled to anything so maybe I wasnt ... how did you get to hear about it?
    all childminders in warrington got a letter to say we had £100 to spend we had to go to a venue and send it there you had to spend all of it which of course i did

  19. #79
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I live in Wiltshire and am under North Wilts District Council and I had to apply just before xmas,I asked for new camera as mine broke,I want to buy a Fizzbook zoostorm laptop for the kids,and a new wooden play house for kids,also some other small bits and pieces which they agreed to,I had a cheque last Friday for £708.58p.
    I am not accredited,but was really shocked I got this money,can't wait for it too clear.
    Alyson x

  20. #80
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    Default Re: so who didn't benefit from the capital grant?

    I really need to chase my local council about this one.

    I called them last October time and was fobbed off with "we will get in touch with people soon but we are providing nurseries etc first and if any is left, it will be passed onto childminders through something we choose to give out".

    Well I spoke to a friend tonight whose daughter is a childminder in a neighbouring borough and she recently got a laptop, digital camera, printer/scanner etc and loads of soft ware and other ICT type equipment.

    So I am going to call Monday and keep on at them!!!


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