Hi everyone, just thought I'd come on here and ask some opinions for a problem that hasn't yet ( but might soon!) arise. My own DS who is 3 attends playgroup, and it appears that virtually the whole class have come down with chicken pox in last few days. *****mind only before and after schoolers, most of which have probably had chickenpox already. My question is, if or rather when my DS comes out in spots, should I contact all the parents and say that I am unable to childmind for a week or so, or somehow try and still childmind, if the parents want me to? How would I cope with school runs etc, would I be allowed to take a spotty child in a buggy into the school playground? Its just there is a severe shortage of childminders in my area and me having a week off would cause the parents a HUGE amount of hassle and not sure if its worth trying to plan ahead and have some sort of idea how I'd cope if need be. Or is there any Environmental Health ruling that I cannot childmind with an infectious illness in the house, even with the parents permission? many thanks,
Karen x