And here we go .... hurtling towards the end of the year at breakneck speed!
Hope everyone has a great start to the term, that any new starters settle quickly and well, funding issues are sorted and we all have lots of fun!
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Oooo, in the nicest way, i hope you get the call soon Pixie. It's 6 years now/currently between visits! ... i had a minor panic i was due, but realised i still have a couple of years to go!
Oooh, how are you feeling Pixie - do you feel as ready as you can be?
I've just got one new one starting. He's the third one in the family that I've had, so that makes it that bit easier, don't you think? Whenever you get a new one, it really makes you realise how settled all the others are.
I've got Christmas presents for my mindees already. I got them a book that I had wanted to get them last year but couldn't get hold of them. Now I just have to make sure I remember where I have stashed them come December!
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oooo, what book have you got Maza?
I'm totally uninspired this year! I didn't do books last year, but had done for the previous few years, and I couldn't find one I liked enough that I haven't already given to them all! I usually make more of a fuss for their birthdays, and Christmas is just a little something. I also have 6 of them with Birthdays in Nov/Dec !!!
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Maza liked this post
Loocyloo, I got them 'The Sweet Smells of Christmas'. I had/have a couple of children who were/are obsessed with smelling things, and I thought this book was a bit different. DD had it when she was little and we enjoyed it. It's American, so some of the smells we wouldn't necessarily associate with Christmas, but they will still enjoy smelling those pages.
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Oooh, how are you feeling Pixie - do you feel as ready as you can be?
Some days I feel ready and others no ! The trouble is I have 3 new ones starting this month, one whose mum said wouldn't be bothered at all has been a real cling on this week, not wanted to come in either so have had to take them from mum. If another child came and sat with me they have shouted and tried to push their way on to me (20 months old ) I have a SEN 4 year old who can be quite challenging. Half of me just wants it to be over with the other half hoping it will be a bit longer !
Pixie Dust
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Maza liked this post
Hugs Pixie. It's hard.
When i was last due, i had a little one who had really not settled well, and 6 mths in, was fine with me, but didn't 'do' visitors! I told the inspector this, and she agreed to come on a day this child wasn't there.
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Originally Posted by
Hugs Pixie. It's hard.
When i was last due, i had a little one who had really not settled well, and 6 mths in, was fine with me, but didn't 'do' visitors! I told the inspector this, and she agreed to come on a day this child wasn't there.
That's interesting to know as I was discussing the other day with someone from my LA if I could ask them to come on certain days due to having a SEN child who struggles with visitors coming to mine.
Pixie Dust
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Pixie dust
That's interesting to know as I was discussing the other day with someone from my LA if I could ask them to come on certain days due to having a SEN child who struggles with visitors coming to mine.
I think it depends on the inspector! a friend had one who told her she would be coming on a monday or tuesday regardless of anything the childminder had planned, and was then very abrupt when she was there! but always worth asking!
My schoolies went back on Wednesday. My youngest has been away on holiday for a fortnight and is now screaming and clinging to mum or dad at drop off. Hoping it’s better this week. My grandson went into yr2, had two days back then had his tonsils out on Friday and now has 2 weeks off!! I’ve got my 3 little ones xmas pressies and one for my friend yesterday at wisley flower show. I think I’m due ofsted visit soon but hoping it’s next year when the two little ones are a bit holder
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I said before that my grandson has 2 weeks off re tonsils out. We had a storm on Saturday and the lightening struck a post outside their house. The whole village has no internet but their router exploded and all their electric sockets are black! I think they had a lucky escape although grandson is gutted that he can’t play his new game without the internet. My daughter works from home so she’s a bit stuck too x
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Originally Posted by
I said before that my grandson has 2 weeks off re tonsils out. We had a storm on Saturday and the lightening struck a post outside their house. The whole village has no internet but their router exploded and all their electric sockets are black! I think they had a lucky escape although grandson is gutted that he can’t play his new game without the internet. My daughter works from home so she’s a bit stuck too x
oh no I bet that must have been scary for them, I hope they get it fixed soon.
Pixie Dust
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Originally Posted by
I said before that my grandson has 2 weeks off re tonsils out. We had a storm on Saturday and the lightening struck a post outside their house. The whole village has no internet but their router exploded and all their electric sockets are black! I think they had a lucky escape although grandson is gutted that he can’t play his new game without the internet. My daughter works from home so she’s a bit stuck too x
Gosh, how awful. Sometimes you (I) forget how dangerous storms can be. Hope they get it sorted soon. How is your grandson after his operation?
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Gosh, how awful. Sometimes you (I) forget how dangerous storms can be. Hope they get it sorted soon. How is your grandson after his operation?
He’s fine thank you and enjoying 2 weeks off school. His brother whose 9 had his out in may. So hopefully not so many colds and sore throats this winter
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