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    Default December

    The countdown to Christmas has begun!

    How is everyone? Did you wake up to snow today as apparently some areas did, it has been very cold here but no snow.

    How is everyone getting on with their Christmas prep.....I am about half completed with gifts, I am putting our decorations up over the weekend quite a few people around our area have done theirs very early this year.

    I have decided to try and not do too many Christmas activities with the children as last year it all got a bit crazy so I am aiming to keep things a little more calmer this year especially as I have a couple of children with sensory issues so it can all get a little too much for them at times.
    Pixie Dust

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    I can't believe it is the 3rd already! I know it's a cliche, but it really has crept up on us this year!

    We woke up to snow this morning. We had planned on going to the garden centre to see the decorations, but DD woke up feeling rough and travel wasn't advised due to the snow, so we stayed in. We watched Kirstie's handmade Christmas and DD wrapped all of the mindees' presents for me whilst I did lots of other childminding/Christmas admin. It was a really productive day for once. Feels good to have all of their presents bought and wrapped so early on. I have barely bought anything for the family yet though.

    I'm settling a new starter who has been coming for a few mornings over the last couple of weeks. She's a screamer and so I feel like the other mindees have just been left to get on with it a bit. She's not in tomorrow, so I'm determined to give them all a lovely day with lots of fun activities planned. The weather is supposed to be dreadful, so I've prepped lots of lovely craft stuff. I can't wait - it's going to seem so calm and peaceful!

    Pixie, do you feel like your 'new' ones have settled in a bit more? I remember you saying you had one who was a bit challenging.

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    Pixie, do you feel like your 'new' ones have settled in a bit more? I remember you saying you had one who was a bit challenging.
    I had two new ones in Sept one has difficulties with their self regulation which can be challenging when they are having a melt down then the other little one has delayed speech and is on the waiting list for a neurological assessment each week this little one seems to be doing a little better but I am dreading what they will be like after when they come back after the Christmas break as they will have been off for nearly 3 weeks but to be far a lot of their frustration comes from not being able to communicate. It was these two that made me decide to sign up to the course with the hope that I might learn some new strategies to use with them.
    Pixie Dust

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    Where did November go?

    It was a VERY cold weekend! On Saturday, I left home in -5 to drive ( in thick fog ) to complete the practical 6 hrs of my first aid course, and when I left to come home in the afternoon ... it was still -5 !!! we had snow overnight into Sunday, but only a couple of inches, and it was a lot warmer! Today it has RAINED ALL DAY !!! I can't decide which I prefer snow is pretty as long as i don't have to go anywhere, but if I have to drive, I'd prefer rain ( if I have to have either ) Walking it doesn't really matter! Yes, we get wet walking in the rain, but trying to do school run with little ones on icy paths and then schoolies to control is not fun either!

    I too am trying a calmer, less frantic Christmas with the children, just lots of relaxed playing! I have got the nativity scene out, and obviously Father Christmas and co are visiting, but as my oldest little one has only just turned 3, I'm not doing masses of 'finished' craft/activities etc! As long as everyone has made a Christmas card ( of some sort ) and decorated a tree decoration that I can stick a photo on, I shall be happy! We have a few Christmas parties to attend, and a local church has a big Christmas Tree display, so we'll see that. We've been asked to help make Christmas decorations for my/our church, so we've been busy glittering pinecones and tying them onto bits of ribbon. The schoolies have enjoyed doing that. I think we might go and investigate the local garden centres as well, and see all their decorations.

    School doesn't break up until the 22nd, so I'm delighted that I don't have to find a zillion activities to entertain the older children before Christmas! I've got a couple of busy days in the new year before they go back to school, but one 'tribe' have requested a beach day and the other lot I think i'll take them to the woods! ( Less mess at home too! )

    I've got all my minded presents, but not wrapped yet!
    I've got most of the family presents, but can't find something I particularly want for DH! I've got DS on the case and it might have to be an IOU !!! And my brother has yet to give me any ideas ( to be fair, he's been away for a few weeks ) and I can't think of ANYTHING he'd want!!! I have warned him he'll end up with an Amazon voucher if he's not careful!

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    Loocyloo I dislike the snow like you said it's pretty to look at but having to go out in it is a different story. We seem to have rain everyday at the moment especially around school run time

    Schools don't finish here until 22nd either and it's then 2 quietist days before the Christmas break. I keep changing my mind about what to get the mindees for Christmas this year, I don't spend a lot it's just a little token gift

    Enjoy the rest of the week !
    Pixie Dust

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    We're actually doing quite well with the 'crafts' this year. I've got a 10 month old starting next week and so far on her short settling in sessions she has just screamed. I can't even put her down for a few seconds to fill up someone's cup as she is climber and starts to climb up the nearest thing in a panic! So, we probably won't be able to get through as much once she starts (she's four days a week), so I'm glad we've made a start!

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    Good luck Maza !!!!

    Travel cot? or one of those walker things?

    Pixie, I just get mine a 'token' present as well. B&M had some 'That's not my ...@ books for half prize a while back, so i bought all my little ones one of those each. I found some little fluffy unicorn bags on Amazon for all my girls, little boys have a pull back car and my big boys have got a 'stunt lego motorbike' that I found half price somewhere! I try to spend as little as possible, as well as it being a 'decent' gift that won't break in 2 seconds!

    It rained A LOT yesterday, and froze overnight, still in minus figures, so everything is very icy! JOY!

    stay safe and warm everyone. xx

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  15. #8
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    December is flying by so I really ought to get started on my Christmas shopping! You all know me - when have I ever started Christmas early

    Luckily as my own children are all adults, I don't have to buy much for them. It's cash and a couple of little gifts. My grandchildren are easy to buy for - basically everything I see! Step-grandchildren get gaming vouchers and for extended family it's usually gift vouchers, so again, nice and simple. I don't know why it takes me so long to get started when it's really quite easy.

    I've sorted out who will be here for Christmas day dinner and I've made sure we've got enough tables and chairs for everyone to sit down. I just haven't thought about what we're going to eat

    We've been doing Christmas activities this week and a few Christmas crafts. I've got mainly 2 year olds at the moment so they're getting excited, but don't really understand why. We went for a lovely walk round the houses yesterday looking at the decorations people have got. There are lots of big garden decorations this year and they look good even in the daytime without any lights switched on. Yesterday was the only day we've had this week when it hasn't rained so it was nice to get out without getting soaked!

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    I was so organised with all gifts bought before December, even ones for the more harder to buy for. Lots of treats bought in over the month and stored away so we don’t eat them. Then I stopped! So I’ve been wrapping gifts like crazy and panicking that I’ve forgotten something although I know it’s the last bits of fresh food to get at the end of the week. Got a few crafts for the two little ones to finish off. Then I’m done

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    Sylvia! that's amazing!

    I'm all bought, but not wrapped, as every time I think I'm going to have a 'quick' wrapping session, something happens and it doesn't happen! Wrapping doesn't even really take long, as back during Covid I made lots of 'pillowcase' type bags of assorted sizes, and presents get put in a bag, tied with a ribbon and then a tag put on! I do wrap for family that won't reuse/regift the bags, but my SIL and I swap bags each year!

    I do also buy bits & bobs/treat foods and hide them away so all I need to do food shopping wise next weekend is fresh veg etc!

    I'm having a relaxed week with minded children this week ... we have a couple of parties and a 'calm toddlers' session to attend, and I think I'm going to take them out to the woods or beach the other day! No particular crafts ( although I do need to print off photos to go in the personalised decoration they made! 2 children were off last week, and so I still need to get a Christmas photo of them! typically, they are both my only '1 day a week' ers !!!! and I don't have any suitable photos at all! )

    Happy 1 week to go everyone!

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    We're doing 'okay' for Christmas in terms of presents, crafts and food.

    I've run out of Christmas cards though, which is annoying as I still have a few to send. I was going to pick some up today but I've come down with a rotten cold, which I'm thinking could actually be flu, so I've just been lying on the sofa for most of the day. I'm going to have to get some tomorrow or I'll miss the posting dates.

    I've got a busy few days next week, with four children in for three of the days. I don't love having four children so I'll definitely be ready for my hols! We don't have mega plans, apart from making a bug hotel to complete a nature challenge that I want to complete with one little mindee as he leaves on Thursday. Not very festive, but we'll say it is a Christmas present to the minibeasts in our garden! They've all done the main crafts, so if we get any others done it will be a bonus.

    When are you all finishing? Thursday 21st is my last day.

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    One week to go and I have the wrapping to do, food shop later in the week and then hopefully I can relax. I am working until 3pm on Friday but Thurs/Fri are quite quiet but I have just had a last minute little one book in some extra hours which I thought I might as well say yes as I have the room and one more won't make any difference

    Hope you are feeling better Maza there are always so many bugs around this time of year ... rest up and take it easy.
    Pixie Dust

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    Does anyone feel like they are crawling to the finishing line/end of term?

    Everyone here as some sort of cold and so we're having such a low key couple of days. The little ones are being so good though. DH cut his foot last night and so is on crutches now (we had a pair already), so he really isn't able to do much at all, and he's in the middle of decorating the spare room which we were hoping would be done by Christmas.

    We (family) have cinema tickets on Friday, so I hope we are all better by then. I'm sure we will be.

    So glad I did all the Christmas crafts and baking early with the mindees, as I really don't fancy making a glittery mess today!

    One of mine comes in and tells me where he found his elf (on the shelf) each morning. I'm soooo glad I don't have to do that tradition!

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    Does anyone feel like they are crawling to the finishing line/end of term?
    I definitely feel like that! I feel exhausted at the moment and I am keeping fingers crossed that I don't actually get ill but the last couple of days I have had the start of a cough and my throat is a bit sore. As a family we have quite a bit happening over the next few days, catching up with with family and friends plus I have some Christmas presents to deliver I don't have the time to be ill.

    Mine little ones are on full Christmas crazy mode so I have been trying to keep things calm.

    Quite a few of the families here have an Elf on the shelf and they are so excited to share their antics with their friends everyday.

    Hang in there we are nearly at the end!
    Pixie Dust

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    Fingers crossed Pixie that you don't feel worse!

    We are going to do a little tea party tomorrow because it's the last day and also, one of my long timers is leaving. However, one mindee is sugar free/no processed food, so I may as well just put the fruit bowl out!

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    I'm definitely crawling to the end of term! I've had an awful cold for the last week and really haven;t felt like do anything. Of course I've soldiered on

    Yesterday we had a party at toddler group. It was manic, but the children loved it. Today we had a party here for the children who aren't here on toddler group day. It was slightly calmer than yesterday's, but still pretty full on. I was very pleased today is my early finish day.

    Tomorrow I've only got 2 children in as one has gone away for Christmas, so we're going to have a nice, quiet day to finish the week. I'm planning on having a lie in on Friday, then I'll be packing all the childminding stuff away and getting the house ready for a family Christmas

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    I'm having a very minimalist week!

    Not doing much, not got much out!

    2 of my boys today were just beyond exhausted! we were meant to be going out, but I cancelled and they just played cars all morning and spent the afternoon watching Peter Rabbit! I seem to have at least one off everyday with something or other as well! DH has a bad cold, and I'm just about hanging on. Luckily we pretty much got any crafts we were doing finished last week, but they haven't done as much as we have in the past.

    We have a 'chilled out' session at Toddlers on friday morning ( with 'clean & dry' sensory play and lots of stories), so I'm hoping to pretty much pack up the playroom tomorrow night, and finish it off Friday afternoon, whilst everyone sleeps/watches TV! ( we don't usually watch TV, but no one has any energy! )

    I ( madly ) have an Elf! ... But he mainly sits on the kitchen table, and comes out and about with us! The other day he did hide in the Christmas Tree, and yesterday he was found trapped inside the Cake tin! It seems to happen when I've gone on the school run, and the schoolies come home and find him! ( but not every day! ) ... made me laugh though ... Last week, we had the play dough out and when we got home from school he had written his name in buttons on a big flat piece of playdough. 6 yr old mindee didn't even notice and just swept off/picked up the buttons and squished the playdough into a ball! (I'd spent a good 5 minutes doing that !!!!) i need something funny for tomorrow as last day for schoolies ... I think I might have him hanging from a light or decoration!

    enjoy the last couple of days!, have a wonderful Christmas and see you all in the New Year !!

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    Hopefully everyone made it to Friday ok......Have a lovely Christmas however you are choosing to spend it
    Pixie Dust

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    Just to make you laugh ...

    One of my mums has opened the christmas card made by her child ... to find i'd signed it with the name of her elder child !!! Younger sibling had even drawn kisses all over the inside and i didn't notice !!!! In my defence, despite being 4 years apart in age, they are soooooo similar, and I had elder sibling before they started school! Even mum talks about one meaning the other! Luckily mum thought it was hilarious! and knows how much i love the older sibling !!! but, ohhhh so embarassing!

    and with that, HAPPY CHRISTMAS everyone, and I hope you all have a brilliant time, and manage to have some peace, calm & restful times before the Chaos of 2024 is upon us!

    Much love to you all.

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    We are having a very quiet xmas day just DP and my. Boxing Day with all family at my daughter’s house. And we are both off till new year so hoping to enjoy relaxation and quiet, some nice walks and naps in the afternoons. Oh I do sound old!!! Merry Christmas to all and happy new year xx

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