Happy Halloween for yesterday!

Did you all so some fun things?

We did lots of dry messy play (rice, pasta etc) as that's what the children are really enjoying at the moment.

Did you get many trick or treaters last night? We had a slow start, mainly because I'd forgotten to put the porch light on and leave the pumpkins outside! Once I'd remembered we had a steady stream of callers, including some ex-mindees, which was lovely. One of the mums told me she's pregnant and asked to reserve a space for December 2024

Once we'd run out of sweets, I went out to bring the pumpkins back inside when a little girl came screeching down the drive shouting "look daddy, more pumpkins". She was so excited to have seen them and I didn't have the heart to tell her all the sweets had gone. I ended up giving her some sparkly spiders we'd used in the messy play and she absolutely loved them