Hello everyone and hello October!

I was out for a walk for a friend and we both ended up filling our pockets with lovely shiny conkers. I, at least, work with small children. She works with animals and had no excuse except they were shiny !

Looking forward to my house slowly filling with a myriad of autumn leaves, conkers, acorns and assorted other seed pods! Thinking about some activities as well as just sensory play and using them for assorted art activities. In previous years, I've had the children threading the leaves onto string using some large plastic children's needles, but I'm not sure if any of mine are big enough for that yet. I do somewhere, have a plastic box with a squirrel on and a hole for the children to post conkers and acorns into it. I need to find it! I still can't find all my autumn books

Any other autumn ideas, or in fact, Harvest? as it's about to head into School and Church Harvest Festivals here.