September !
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Thread: September !

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    Default September !

    Hi everyone, how was everyone's summer? We have a 2 more days then it's back to school on Wednesday. I have mixed feelings as I have enjoyed our days over the holidays but I like the routine when everyone is back to school.

    First thing this morning definitely had an autumnal feel about it when I got up but it's actually going to be warm and sunny.

    This week I have some term time only children returning, some children changing their hours, a new starter and a new parent visit so nothing is really planned, I am just going to give the children time to settle back in.

    Have a good week !
    Pixie Dust

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    Happy Monday!

    I can't believe it is already September!

    I've got a rough plan for the next few weeks of just playing at home/outside, and going to our usual groups. I've got 4 new children starting ( 3 are babies ) and I generally find it easier to settle babies when we are out and about, and they have lots to watch and interact with, rather than just me! But no new children tomorrow, so just my usual holiday Tuesday crew, and we're going to head out for the day and wear them out, so the older ones SLEEP well, before going back to school the next day.

    Have fun everyone xxx

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    Isn't it always the same - rubbish weather through the holidays, then the minute the children go back to school the sun comes out!

    We've had a lovely day today with the children back after my week off. I'd expected tears (theirs not mine!), but they all came in as happy as anything.
    We spent a lovely morning in the garden, though it was getting very hot by the time we came in at lunchtime.

    I haven't got much planned for the rest of the week. Our regular groups don't start back till next week and I've got a new starter coming for a visit on Wednesday, so we're going to have an easy week and go with the flow.

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    Ours went back yesterday. The weather is amazing 30c on school run this afternoon. Went for a walk with my friend today and came across a coffee truck in the field. Obviously we had to stop for one. We sat in the sun overlooking the fields and trees in the distance before continuing our walk. Felt so relaxed when we got back home

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    Quote Originally Posted by SYLVIA View Post
    Ours went back yesterday. The weather is amazing 30c on school run this afternoon. Went for a walk with my friend today and came across a coffee truck in the field. Obviously we had to stop for one. We sat in the sun overlooking the fields and trees in the distance before continuing our walk. Felt so relaxed when we got back home
    That sounds like my idea of bliss!

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  11. #6
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    Happy Monday everyone!

    Week one done! Hope it went well and all new little ones settled in well. Last week was good, and this week I've got 2 more starting! So no major plans, just getting used to everyone

    Have fun xxxx

  12. #7
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    Evening !!

    I had one new one start last week who is a bit of a cheeky chappy and my other new one doesn't start for a couple of weeks, all my current children are 3 or about to turn 3 which is a nice age group. I am noticing such a difference with the current crop of 3 years especially the 2 new ones as they haven't been anywhere before, you can see delays in development down to lack of interaction with others and the effects of being born at the height of the covid pandemic.
    We are having a couple of quiet weeks settling back in to our routines and helping our new friends learn the rules
    Pixie Dust

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    Pixie, hope your cheeky chappy isn't too cheeky!

    Last week was a bit all over the place, with a new starter, someone's last day, two others extending their days etc. It's nice to have a straight forward week this week. I can't decide if my new one is also a bit of a cheeky chappy or not. His mum is sooooo anxious and really drags out the goodbyes and gets herself all tearful. She sent me a lovely message after his first week though, so that was a lovely start to my weekend. Hope she relaxes soon.

    It's lovely now that the scorching hot weather seems to be behind us.

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  16. #9
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    On instagram, I keep seeing an outdoor resource which looks a lot like a big corrugated tube from a tumble drier. Does anyone have one? Is it literally a tube for a tumble drier? If you do have one, are they durable?

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    Pixie, hope your cheeky chappy isn't too cheeky!
    He is finding his feet, he is quite cheeky in a fun way but also has some issues around emotions as gets cross quite quickly and easily.

    I don't think I have seen the tube item you are describing.
    Pixie Dust

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    I don't think I've seen one either Maza! 🤔

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    I think the tubes are like the tumble dryer vent tubes but slightly more industrial. We went to a circus recently and a person came out entirely covered in them. He looked like a giant slinky rolling around the floor. Was very entertaining as s circus act.

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  23. #13
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    How is everyone?

    Have you all been having mad rain? When it's not raining, it's actually been lovely weather - not too hot, and we have had some lovely walks the last couple of weeks.

    Pixie, how has your three year old settled? Has he got used to your rules yet? This is the first time I've taken on someone who is three and a half, and I'm not sure I love it. It makes you realise how much you shape them when you get them as babies/young toddlers.

    This week, we've been doing a 'Pete the Cat' book. Have you read them? I have been seeing them for ages on American blogs that I follow but was never really drawn to them. However, I bought a couple recently and we have all been loving them.

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    Pixie, how has your three year old settled? Has he got used to your rules yet? This is the first time I've taken on someone who is three and a half, and I'm not sure I love it. It makes you realise how much you shape them when you get them as babies/young toddlers.
    They are getting there, I have seen a difference this week to the previous. I had another new starter who has come via what was the local children's centre and they are quite challenging as they haven't been anywhere before, does not know how to play, will throw things, mum is having a lot of support around parenting.

    We have definitely had a mixed bag of weather, you can see tell that the season is changing though as it is dark so early now plus it's colder in the mornings when I walk the dog.

    I have not heard of 'Pete the Cat' so will be looking it up, I am on a strict book buying ban as I have so many and no where to store them all. I don't keep all my books out as I rotate them.

    You know it's Autumn when Strictly is on a Saturday night plus Bake off starts next week!

    I actually can't believe we are in our last week of September! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, tomorrow we are making the most of the weather and taking the dog for a long walk at a local National Trust park!
    Pixie Dust

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    Hello everyone!

    I've just worked my through my very long to-do list so I can now enjoy the rest of the weekend without all the jobs hanging over me.

    We had a good week. After a very wet few days, it was lovely on Thursday and we had a fun walk to toddler group. I'm getting the 2 year olds walking so it took a lot longer than normal!

    I've only had one new starter this term and he settled straight in. I'd had his sister for a couple of years so he was used to coming here, although not to being left here all day. He loved it from the first day though, so that was great. His sister was always quite 'lively' but he's very chilled, which is a relief

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    hello all!

    Autumn is on the way!

    I haven't heard of Pete the Cat either. ... BUT like Pixie, I am trying VERY HARD not to buy any new/more books! ( at the moment i am trying to find my stash of autumn books = I know i have a few, i just can't find them! )

    My new babes have all settled really well, and my nearly 2 yr old, who was fantastic at our settling in sessions, is getting there! The trick seems to be ... feed her and take her out ASAP! We have had crazy weather too .... bright blue skies and hot sun, followed instantly by black clouds and torrential rain! one of my schoolies said she thought it was snowing the other day it might well have been!

    It's been a mad few weeks here, as DD had gone off to uni, then DS came home, and i've been busy with 101 things, so i'm hoping for a quietish week .. well, I can dream

    enjoy the last week of september everyone!

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    Had a lovely sunny day here today and spent it with DD2 digging flower beds in their new garden then planting up loads of plants she had in pots at her flat before and also lots she bought at the flower shows we have visited. Started digging at 12.00 and finished at 7! Dreading the stiff back in the morning but it was worth it to spend time with her and her partner and she how happy she was to actually have flowers in flower beds.
    Sadly DD1 has split up from her husband and has now moved back in with two grandsons. So my house is in chaos at the moment so a day away in the fresh air really helped

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    Oh Sylvia, sorry to hear about your DD and her husband. She's lucky to have you there to support her.

    Loocyloo, hope your DD has settled in to uni!

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    Well, the wind is just starting to appear! It's been raining on and off all day and we have had a couple of beautiful rainbows.

    Hope you are all safe and warm!



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