Have a lovely week's holiday Maza. DH and I are off this week too.

If you think you want to spend some time doing work stuff, timetable it into your week and try not to spend whole week doing work stuff! (I'm very guilty of that ... i pop into the dining room for X Y or Z and get sidetracked by things i remember i need to do, or i have an idea for something etc )

I find if I'm having a weeks holiday at home i need to 'timetable' my week otherwise i do nothing and then feel I've wasted the time off. And if DH is off, and we don't have plans, he can equally lose days in his shed!

How about planning a walk/ visit to somewhere you haven't been/ enjoy visiting? A trip to cinema/ theatre? Do something touristy in your area? (DH and I are going to the beach for the afternoon/evg and weather dependent... I'm planning a boat trip) Also, as it's MY holiday... I'm not spending it cooking. Meals out/takeaways and trying to persuade DH not to collapse in front of tv in the evening. If we're away, we go for walks/sit in pubs in the evening.
Sorry, turned into a waffley message! But DO rest and enjoy the week off. X