week beginning 3rd October
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    Default week beginning 3rd October

    Good afternoon!


    Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the autumnal weather. We already have vast collections of conkers, acorns and autumn leaves already, and most of the trees still seem to have their leaves!

    Is anyone doing anything exciting? We've been asked to make a decoration for church for Harvest, so we're busy painting and drawing fruit and vegetables to hang on a garland. One child suggested we could make a garland out of actual potatoes ... i did consider it for a while but trying to make holes and then threading them just seemed a touch too much!

    I've also got to tidy my toys in the garden out of the way, as the chaps are coming to cut my HUGE hedge next week and the bits get EVERYWHERE! They do collect up the bits that drop off, but seem to leave a lot in the childrens play area its exciting to watch them with the big hedge cutter machines.

    stay well xxx

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    Can't believe it's Wednesday already!! The weeks just fly by, we have celebrated birthdays this week. We have spent a lot of time out in the garden this week as the weather has been good. I do find it difficult to go very far as I have one child who has a developmental delay which is quite exhausting to be honest. I feel a lot of my day is taken up managing them. We can't do anything different to our normal daily routine as it causes such behaviour issues so it's easier to manage at home.

    I am not liking how early it gets dark now, I have had to change my evening routine around just so I can get out with the dog before to gets too dark, not many more weeks and it will be getting dark by the time the children come out of school.

    Have fun whatever you are doing!
    Pixie Dust

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    I have one with development delay it’s exhausting especially when you have two babies to care for also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    I have one with development delay it’s exhausting especially when you have two babies to care for also.
    It is isn't it ! The other thing I find so frustrating is the waiting times to see other professionals. At the moment this little one has had referrals made and accepted but parents have been told the waiting list is 12/18 months long just for the first initial appointment
    Pixie Dust

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    Happy Thursday everyone!

    This week has absolutely flown by - I'm sure I've missed a day somewhere

    Yesterday I had another new starter in for her first full day. After her settling in visits, when she screamed constantly, I was expecting a tough day, but she was actually really happy for a lot of the time and when she did get upset, she cried but didn't scream!

    Has everyone got their heating on now? We did have it on for a short while yesterday because we got caught in torrential rain when we went out. It wasn't that cold when we got home, but I needed the heating on to dry out the coats and pushchair! I've made the mistake before of folding damp pushchairs and finding they go all mildewy. My son isn't happy that I'm not putting the heating on! There's no real reason why I won't, I just like the challenge of holding out for as long as possible

    Loocyloo, I do like the sound of a potato garland. That would have been so funny...and very heavy!

    Pixie Dust, it's awful that children have to wait so long for an appointment after their referral has been accepted. I'm fortunate that I have an assistant so when we have children with additional needs, there are 2 of us to share the load. It's incredibly hard work when you're doing it alone.

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    No mouse I haven't got the heating on, I don’t think it’s cold enough yet. I too try to go as long as possible without it. I’m one of those people that think if your not wearing a sweater your not cold and if you are cold put a sweater on !
    Also with the increase in energy charges will I put it on at all ha, ha!

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    No heating on here yet either as it's not been too cold, plus trying to keep costs down. I have a nice fleecy throw to wraparound me if I get a bit cold in the evenings.
    Pixie Dust

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    No heating on here either!

    DD wanders around saying she is cold and can we put the heating on ... whilst wearing shorts and a cami top! NO! put some more clothes on!

    We've got the aga, so the kitchen is warm and then a wood burner in sitting room, but DH has only lit that once so far - it gets too hot in there! We talked about talking the aga out due to cost of fuel (it is gas) BUT, we wouldn't get anything for selling it, then we'd have to buy a new oven & hob, and also probably need the kitchen refitting - cheaper not to! But really, it hasn't particularly been that cold yet.

    I've got an oversized fleece hoody thing that i wear occasionally if it's feeling cold in the evening, plus we've always had fleeces/blankets on the sofas. We don't often watch tv, but whenever we do, the minded children love to snuggle up under the fleeces regardless of the temperature, so might as well carry on not heating the sitting room!

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    DD wanders around saying she is cold and can we put the heating on ... whilst wearing shorts and a cami top! NO! put some more clothes on!
    That's what my boys used to be like - moaning it was cold while wearing shorts and t-shirts!

    We've always had blankets lying around the house so the minded children are used to grabbing one and snuggling under it. It did get a bit colder here this afternoon so I put a jumper and socks on. The children kept asking why I had socks on - they only normally see me in flip flops indoors

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    My heating comes on at 6 and the house is warm when I get up at half 6. Then it’s turned low so it does click on. Then it’s blankets or jumpers till bed time. My partner bought me one of those oversized hoodies last xmas. At the time I thought I’d never use it but it’s actually my most used cover up. Might get him one this xmas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie dust View Post

    Can't believe it's Wednesday already!! The weeks just fly by, we have celebrated birthdays this week. We have spent a lot of time out in the garden this week as the weather has been good. I do find it difficult to go very far as I have one child who has a developmental delay which is quite exhausting to be honest. I feel a lot of my day is taken up managing them. We can't do anything different to our normal daily routine as it causes such behaviour issues so it's easier to manage at home.

    I am not liking how early it gets dark now, I have had to change my evening routine around just so I can get out with the dog before to gets too dark, not many more weeks and it will be getting dark by the time the children come out of school.

    Have fun whatever you are doing!
    Do the parents expect you to go further than the garden Pixie? We've been doing lots of garden play and local walks but nothing more but I never know if parents mind that or not!

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    Quote Originally Posted by mumofone View Post
    Do the parents expect you to go further than the garden Pixie? We've been doing lots of garden play and local walks but nothing more but I never know if parents mind that or not!
    When they first visit I do say we go out and about to the library/woods and park etc and I used to meet up with another childminder but that has all slowed right down. Parents haven't actually said anything to me about not going out they are happy their child is safe and well cared for.
    Pixie Dust

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    Quote Originally Posted by mumofone View Post
    Do the parents expect you to go further than the garden Pixie? We've been doing lots of garden play and local walks but nothing more but I never know if parents mind that or not!
    I'm pretty much the same as Pixie.
    When parents first visit I tell them that our 'outings' are walks to the library, shops, toddler groups or just round the local area. We'll occasionally get the bus to the museum.
    We don't have any woodland or park areas within walking distance and I don't take children in a car. They chose me knowing that. I guess the ones that want more outings go elsewhere.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    Good afternoon!


    Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying the autumnal weather. We already have vast collections of conkers, acorns and autumn leaves already, and most of the trees still seem to have their leaves!

    Is anyone doing anything exciting? We've been asked to make a decoration for church for Harvest, so we're busy painting and drawing fruit and vegetables to hang on a garland. One child suggested we could make a garland out of actual potatoes ... i did consider it for a while but trying to make holes and then threading them just seemed a touch too much!

    I've also got to tidy my toys in the garden out of the way, as the chaps are coming to cut my HUGE hedge next week and the bits get EVERYWHERE! They do collect up the bits that drop off, but seem to leave a lot in the childrens play area its exciting to watch them with the big hedge cutter machines.

    stay well xxx
    Loocyloo - I knew I hadn't imagined it

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    Maza, I remembered the potato garland as well!

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    Well done! I do remember now!

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    We have had such a lovely warm sunny day today, I cannot believe we have all been out at the park wearing T-shirts no jumpers/coats. I hope you have all been so lucky with the weather.

    I hope you are all keeping well as there does seem to be a lot of illness about at the moment, I am not sure if it's related to this unseasonable warm weather.

    Being outside helps with the current cohort of children as they really struggle with their emotions/ turn taking/self regulation etc which is leading to some really challenging behaviour. I guess this is the knock on effect of Covid. I even had a slap on the face from a 3 year old last week because they couldn't do what they wanted!

    Any exciting plans this week? We have our fortnightly care home visit.
    Pixie Dust

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    Oh my goodness Pixie, that's terrible! I hope he learns to regulate his emotions soon, you poor thing.

    It has been lovely here. It's lovely when you don't need coats and also don't need sun cream!

    I've got one off with HFM at the moment. DH bumped into him/mum today when he popped to the supermarket and apparently he is covered in spots but in great spirits. I've said he must stay off until they have crusted over - I hope he's off all week to give some of the spots the chance to clear up, because you know how the other parents can be. I'm always paranoid that they think I have let someone come back too soon.

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    Well I talked the change of weather up, its been rainy here !

    Maza HFM is such a contagious one it amazes me that the official guidance says there is no exclusion period as I wouldn't want a little one coming in with it, any cases we have had parents have kept them off.

    In a moment of madness I have signed up to the EYPDP free training to start in January...anyone else done it? I will be in cohort 3. I signed up because I have noticed such a change in the post covid children I thought it might help me
    Pixie Dust

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie dust View Post
    Well I talked the change of weather up, its been rainy here !

    Maza HFM is such a contagious one it amazes me that the official guidance says there is no exclusion period as I wouldn't want a little one coming in with it, any cases we have had parents have kept them off.

    In a moment of madness I have signed up to the EYPDP free training to start in January...anyone else done it? I will be in cohort 3. I signed up because I have noticed such a change in the post covid children I thought it might help me
    Definitely a moment of madness Pixie!
    I looked at it, but i seem to be so busy all the time, i decided i just didn't have time. Sounds good to me.

    I exclude with HFM until better!

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