A concentrated dose of preciousness - that's what DH said I am suffering from this morning. He has summed it up perfectly.

As I've mentioned, I'm taking on three new little ones over the next couple of weeks. The families (both mums and dads) are all so precious and needy in their own ways. They are all nice, so far, (well, one dad is irking me a bit) but I'm feeling a bit drained at the moment. If I was just taking on one at a time it would be fine, but I think three at once is more challenging than I had anticipated.

I consider myself really flexible in terms of times of day/dates for parent visits and settling in sessions, and maybe that is part of the problem. We'll arrange a time and then I'll get a text shortly before they are due asking if they can come later as 'x' is having an 'unheard of extra long sleep and they don't want to wake him/her'. I do get it, of course I do, but that and lots of other little things has just made me feel a bit flat today. Like DH said, they wouldn't miss a flight for a holiday, or a doctor's appointment because their little one was still sleeping.

I just need to take a deep breath, accept that some things are just part and parcel of the job and get over it.