I was awake at 4 o’clock mulling things over.

I don’t think I’ll do very well out of this.

2 of my families have at least one teacher parent so they will be at home. To them I will be closed, so I can’t charge anything.
Another mum will want me to have her son, but she’s not a key worker so I probably won’t be able to and can’t charge anything.
Another 2 families each have one parent who is a key worker, but the other isn’t, so they can have the children at home.

My feeling is that if the children can stay at home they have to. I don’t want any parent bringing a child out unless they have no other option.

What I would hope is that the parents who are still being paid in full will consider still paying me, but I doubt they will. My bigger hope is that the government comes up with some decent financial support which means I can close completely and still keep spaces available for when children are allowed back.