So, these last few days we have been house hunting. One of the houses which we all love (well, possibly my second favourite, but I'm outnumbered as it was DH and DD's favourite) has fake grass in the garden. The lady said she put it down after trying unsuccessfully to grow grass there. Now, I'm all for natural grass, for obvious reasons, but I do recognise that there is a place for fake grass.

DD has it in her playground at school and doesn't like it because she said it gets very wet in the rain (well, so would real grass...) but that it also gets very hot in the sun and so they don't like rolling down the school hills when it is so hot!

Do any of you have fake grass? Pros and cons? Is it childminder friendly? Obviously this won't be the deciding factor on whether or not we put in an offer, but I do like to hear your opinions! x