Hi All, I need some advice!! I am thinking of stopping doing the school run altogether. Come September I will have 3 pre-schoolers everyday, this means that they will be with me both on the morning school run and the afternoon. I have a mindee who is starting school in September, he has been with me about 3 years, mum has got him into the local school so that I can take him and collect him. Thing is, I really don't want to do it. Its going to be a nightmare getting all the kids in and out of the car to take him into the classroom. I have been childminding for 11 years and I have had the last year just doing the occasional drop off and collection to help out when the parents shifts clash so thats not been an issue but everyday day every morning and afternoon is starting to freak me out!! How would you word it to the mum of the child who is due to start in September. I really need some advise as its starting to make me feel ill with worry. Thank you xx