Good morning,

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I am very confused about ratios. I have a 4 year old preschooler who comes to me 3 mornings a week from 8am to 8.45am when I drop him to preschool, which he attends 3 full days per week. I am very confused about the ratio advice, does he count as one of my 3 under 5s on those mornings, or Does he count as a before school child, allowing me to use his space for another under 5, taking my under 5s upto 4, but not exceeding 6 under 8 years? I know this isn’t explained very well!

I’m just getting a little fed up of wasting one of my 3 preschool places on a child who spends 2 hours 15 minutes with me per week, and I’m finding it impossible to find anybody to fill that space after 9am, everybody wants an earlier start.

Any advice gratefully received.

Thanks Emma