Hi All,

Bit of a downer for my first post - I've been working as a childminder since Jan (registered since Oct). Somewhere over the summer I've really lost my motivation, I'm not sure of the main reason but I'm starting to really not like working out of my house for ten hours a day. I'm really missing having adult conversation, having a job where I'm not clearing up something every ten minutes or actually having a lunch break.

I've been told this week that one of my fav little lads will be leaving in Feb and its really thrown me into a funk. Its ages away but has really affected me. I feel like I've managed to trap myself in a job I should enjoy but am not. I'm just about keeping up with the paperwork and planning but feel like I'm surviving day to day. My nerves seem to be getting shorter day by day and generally just not very happy with things.

I'm finally getting a day off a week from the half term holiday which I'm hoping will help but am feeling like finding a job again sooner rather than later. Can anyone help with helping get my mojo back?