I had 3 children present during my inspection- my own school age daughter, a 4 year old and 2 year old. Went to the loo (upstairs) at the same time as going up to change the 2 year old's nappy. I took the 2 year old with me up stairs, closing the the top stiargate (my all the doors on the landing can be hooked to prevent mindee access) , left the 4 & 6 year old happily engaged in play in the living room (the stairs are off the living room) and suggested the inspector could either go outside or sit part way up the stairs. She was happy with that arrangement. I made it clear that I was following my policy and that a different combination of children would require a different approach- I emaphasised that I was happy the 4 & 6 year old were happily engaged in what they were doing.

Be confident in your inspection- its your setting and don't be afraid to enforce your policies. Ask the insector to leave the room or go outside if it is the best option.