
I have a child due to start with me soon who has some eating issues. I'm happy to take child on parent is more willing to work with me .

Child is 12months - They are ok with very small pieces of finger foods , however they do gag quite a lot even on soft foods and small pieces. They are currently under the care of doctors investigating why and the cause but are at present unable to find an answer. This reaction apparently does not put them off their food but it can be worrying. They have never choked and very rarely can gag hard enough to be sick. Sometimes violently.

Parent advised required a lot of supervision when eating finger foods and snacks.

It kind of goes without saying I never leave young children when feeding anyway. However, parent is providing food pouches for lunch and has asked if I'm ok to provide snacks.

Anyway does anyone have any ideas on snacks or foods I can provide that may help. I've had a child previously who had gagging issues but this was more down to the fact parent didn't introduce solids till a late age (long story) Anyway my new parent is trying but I thought it would help if I got ideas from you lovely people (Parents first child) .

Any suggestions much appreciated.

Thank you x