I'm here again.

Aside from unsettled children I have another issue at the moment that I could do with some advice on please.

I only have one before and after school child, a girl who is in year 6, I've had her since she started school in reception. Her mum mentioned about 8 months ago about how she'd be able to come to me when she goes up to secondary school and I brushed it off as being in the future and we'd talk about it nearer the time. Fast forward to Thursday and she told me that she'd applied for her daughters secondary school. Its not their catchment school, its my daughters school and they are oversubscribed and way out of catchment. She's only put that school on the form and in the reason for choice section she's put that its the childminder's daughter's school. Holy moly.

The thing is, I don't want to carry on minding for her in year 7! I need to have a very diplomatic conversation (bearing in mind I've still got her for another 9 months!) She's a mum who gets things clear in her mind and assumes they're happening. I think she assumes that my eldest will walk to school with her but she's got her own routine sorted with her friends and isn't going to want this one tagging along.

There are alternatives if she doesn't come to me so I wouldn't feel like I'm leaving them in the lurch too much and it is a year away!

Any thoughts please?