Morning. I would never usually come on here whilst working unless teh children are sleeping but I'm getting a bit desperate!

I have a new starter - 11 months old, comes 2 days a week (8am -5.30pm), this is day 5, week 3. He also had 4, weekly visits of 2 hours during August.

He arrived at 8am this morning and has cried since (its nearly 9.15). He's only ever had care from parents and has only started daytime napping out of their bed or not in a sling/on them over the past 2 weeks (at my request). Hes a lovely little boy but the 2.5 year old I also look after doesn't think so and she's getting very upset.

I'm not sure he's ready to be left but not sure how long I should keep trying. The crying is commonplace, he does it whenever I touch him or look at him. Yes, seriously, every time adn I'm struggling to make any kind of connection with him due to this

Any advice?