Had to have words with a parent this am, very unpleasant I am such a wuss.!

I specify money must be in my account and cleared By Friday, week in advance . Lo started in sept And I am cross Because I have just changed my day off to accommodate then with no respect in return. Money is never in Friday. Comes from another bank so takes a couple of days to clear so I am lucky if I get it Monday or Tuesday. This week again not in in time, mum apologised and said would drop it in cash on sat. For a month. (I don't mind if a month or week but she did say month!) arrived Sunday through door when not in. Just a week. Text to say sorry we forgot. Not good enough! Not sure payment has ever been on time , either it's cash and they only drop it in on Sunday or at start of week or its bacs and nor paid across in time .. I have told them from another bank it needs to be paid by Wednesday so I can have it by Friday in order to buy food for their little darling!

Dad came in this am and apologised apparently he was down country on a job that went pair shaped and he had to stay over and finish it sat am. He had all the bank cards (really?!) and so she couldn't take money out. But it wasn't paid Til Sunday ! I wasn't very articulate lol and told hi. It was getting on my wick 😱 but also that it wasn't the first second or third time it has happened, and I hated having to chase for it and talk about money. That it needed to be sorted as I didn't want to fall out with them or have to discontinue contract. He said it wouldn't happen again (think he has said that three times in past) so I said I appreciated it wasn't done on purpose (think really just not bothering!) and I understand it takes time to get adjusted to paying childcare back to work etc but it would be great if it was sorted out now. He stayed for a chat after that so think it's ok. But I am sure he is embarrassed (good!) maybe I went over the top but it's four months going on now weekly! Such lovely people and baby is fab but can't do this every week it's stressing me out. I get stressed and anxious then about confronting them and then I blow my top at home (got a lot on my plate at moment ) and that's not fair on my family is it?! 😞