It was last week and at the end of the day Mum came round and said that due to changes in her work she'd have to find an alternative childcare arrangement, my jaw was on the floor when she told me. I tend to take everything personally and worry that I've done something wrong or failed somehow.

Dad filled in a questionnaire a couple of weeks ago and said that they were very happy (5 times) and that their two children love coming, so I'm probably (maybe, possibly) worrying for nothing. I can't help it through, I still have nagging worries.

Ive only been caring for these children since May (TTO) but I feel that we're made good progress and the baby in particular seems to love me and jumps at me (even after holiday breaks) I'm not good at change or surprises.

Do other people feel completely taken aback when a parent first mentions giving notice in the future?