Today I've been out at our local woods in the drizzle and rain. It was wet, soggy and rather muddy ... just what you need to have fun.

There was a family there... mum in white trousers and pale pink pumps, little girl (about 18 mth) in white tights, pale pink ugg type boots, pale pink tutu skirt and white coat. Boy (about 5) in jeans and top ( designer looking ) and a very trendy looking dad ... mum was having hysterics 'come here, don't go there, don't touch, don't. .. don't. .. ' etc.

She looked at my 4 in horror... To be fair ... so did i ! Covered in mud and wet from 'paddling' in the stream !

But i don't understand how they could have even got out of the car not realising how wet and muddy it was!