I have a lo who is demonstrating a real positioning schema.

He starts with the box of cars and sets them all out on the floor, then gets the treasure basket and does the same, then the small world box, duplo box etc. He has them beautifully set out and I don't want to move them, but we quickly run out of floor space. I'm having to get him to pack each box away before he gets the next one out. I take photos of his handy work, so he can still see them, but it's not the same as letting him fill the floor with everything.

I don't know if it would work, but I'm looking for ideas for things he can set out on trays. My thinking is that he can still do his positioning, but on a smaller scale. I'll give him individual trays with small boxes of things.

So far I've thought of normal Lego (so a smaller version of duplo), the counting/sorting bears and buttons. I'm hoping you lot can give me ideas of other small and interesting things