Any advice on how to help a 3 yr old - well, more his poor parents too - on how to help get through his night terrors?
He is such a funny guy during the day, with a fun vivid imagination, but at night he's now terrified to go to sleep, wakes hysterical and crying several times a night.
Parents have took it in turns to reading nice stories, talking about nice things before bedtime, encouraged going to nice places in our dreams when we feel upset or scared.
Nothing seems to be working, and parents are really struggling now themselves with lack of sleep.
He still has a nap during the day - for about an hour, but he self settles and wakes happy so during the day he's fine.

My DS was much older when he had night terrors, and it was one specific thing so we were able to research and do probabilities of it happening here etc

Any ideas please?