OK I'm feelings really down as feel I have failed.been a childminder for years now and then s have has happened
I had a new start today had settling in days before Xmas was fine
Now starting this week he was naturally distressed leaving mum we managed d he settled hewoud interact with anY children like he did before Xmas this went on for hours
He only would be happy If being nursed

He would not eat his lunch wanted finger food like the others mum stressed he was to have spoonfeed

I gave him finger food yes healthy fruit etc I did give them a pancake each on collection se wasn't happy he had surgery foods

Today arrived at 830 was half her late mum said he was needing his porrage
I was about to leave for school run
Same clinging only crying constantly all morning despite all I could try
I looked inncommunication book she had table drawn out
Breakfast lunch dinner to b recorded and sleep times places of sleep etc

Have I done right thing i ring her explain he unsettled she comes to collet she did paid me cash broke down in tears just wanted away I feel awful I never give up but today was different