Hi all

I wonder if I might be able to get some advice about a 12 month old baby that I look after.

The little one started 5 months ago and did take about 3 weeks to settle properly. For a while he settled really well and was very happy and content with me, he's bonded with me really well.
However this all completely changed and he has screamed constantly for the last 2 months. He wants me to hold him or be giving him 1:1 all the time, I if even look like i'm going to leave the room he screams. I can't devote any time what so ever to the other children because of how clingy he is with me, he even screams and desperately tries to get my attention if I'm changing another child's nappy! After a really bad day with him a few weeks ago I told mum that if this continued I didn't think I would be able to look after him as it was too disruptive! Mum was obviously very upset and said that it was just teething, he's not a naughty child and she didn't think it seemed fair that he would have to move on because of teething. After a meeting I apologised for blurting it out on pick-up but explained that I am finding it very difficult and it's not a nice environment a) for my children who cant relax in their own home & b) for the other minded children. I said that I wasn't going to just give up on him and that we would see how we go.

Well as I say 2 months on and he's exactly the same and i'm finding it increasingly difficult to deal with. Making meals or being there for the other children is impossible. I can't go to the toilet and I get to the end of the day realising that I haven't even eaten anything all day. It's really getting me down! If I was looking after him full-time I would have given notice by now but he's only 3 days a week.

I'm very honest with mum and tell her how he's been every day in the diary but she constantly says that he's teething (which i have to admit he has had a lot of teeth come through in one go). However my concern is that he will be completely hysterical and as soon as I pick him up he's smiling and chatting away....he just doesn't seem like a baby in pain to me, I would imagine if he was in pain he would still be fussy when picked up?? Also If I sit on the floor and play with him alone he's happy as larry. Mum has made comments about having to hoover with him on her hip as he hates the hoover and about him crying and shaking the baby gate if she has to shut it when cooking but says generally he has free run of the downstairs (I obviously cant do that and I don't want him attached to my hip). Should add that he's an only child. But she is adamant that his behavior is down to teething, what do you guys think?

Not sure I can take much more : ( Thanks in advance x