I can't believe how ignorant some people can be!! I am a 22 yr old minder and yes I only look about 18 but that does not give people the right to judge me...

I was taking a walk with my mindee's aged 4, 18 months and 12 months... I stop to give all the kiddies a drink and notice a couple of 'yummy mummy's staring at me and clearly talking about me. Then I actually hear

"It's terrible isn't it, no wonder the country's going to pot, I bet they don't even have the same father"

Omg fuming wasn't the word!! Couldn't bite my tongue and said out loud;

"Excuse me but I'm their child minder not their mother! Nice for some who can stand around gossiping all day while others are out working hard, no wonder this country is going to pot"

People like that really make my blood boil!!!
Has anyone else ever had anything similar happen to them?!?
