It's an idea we've been toying with, but this weekend it's been a much bigger discussion, and is definitely heading to the possibility of doing so.
DS has to finish high school first, so college could be up there, DD's looking at going to Uni up there next year so will be well settled in already.

We've spent time in Whitehaven, Broughton, Cockermouth, Carlisle and my brothers recently bought a house in Dalston so will be spending time there now too, so we know what's available to do pretty much all along the A595

What we don't know about so much, is whether there's enough work for another childminder. only have 103 childminders listed which surprised me.
Rates seem to be about £4 an hour, which is what I'm already charging, so no major change there.

I'm sure there will be more questions, but if anyone can answer these I'd be very grateful:
Is there an area that currently needs childminders?
How well supported are you guys?
Are there enough groups that welcome childminders where you are?
Is there enough training on offer?

Thanks in advance