
I have child since February aged 2. Her mum is a shift worker and I keep three days open for her a week, but often only uses one day, which is a different story.

Child gets up at 5.30am and gets to me for 7am, as mum works close by, but they live over an hour away. Dad collects.

Now child has been coming and will only sleep if I drive for a long time and can then transfer her to bed. Otherwise she won't go down for sleep, or walk in buggy. Won't sit quiet. Now she is so tired when she arrives with me, it has been ok, but it is getting worse, her behaviour and tiredness on arrival and during the day is awful.

The last two days (an odd week of two days), she has been horrendous. Crying at everything (for example dropped her bread stick on the floor, I put it in the bin and she had a melt down , threw her self on floor and screamed, even though I gave her another!), arguing with other mindee because every toy was hers, though other minded kept saying, no, it belongs to x (my LO, who was at preschool). Then we went for nursery drop for other child, I drove around to get her to sleep, transferred her to bed and she woke and screamed and screamed at me. Constant crying, everything I ask or say she says no, or comes back with a remark. Other minded upset cos of her crying and arguing all the time.Really feel like its enough today, and it's all because she is so tired. She constantly yawns and looks shattered.

Plus, to top it all she was chatting about the new school she's going to in September, it has toys there!! Had a little prompt, but sounds like she's going to nursery in sept. I know parents only need to give me four weeks and she's term time only as well, so can imagine that in August they will just give notice. But am annoyed that they haven't said anything.

I spoke to dad on collection about how tired she was today and he just said oh. I repeated and he said oh, so felt stupid and didn't say anymore, as he was rushing out the door.

Now I have to text mum later for July hours- should I ask is. X going to nursery in sept? As can let other parents know I have extra days and a space, which I can fill. Or should I wait and just give notice, as that is what I feel like at the moment.

Should I ask or not? Any ideas on how to word it. Tia