Is it just me that the kids take the p out of or does it happen in all settings.

I set up activities for the kids and they are not interested - everything guts chucked across the room.
They are not interested in playing with toys despite me spending a fortune and changing my dining room into a toy room, they just pull them all out and trash the place
I turn my back for two minutes and they jump on the sofa or lift the mats in the hall and drag them everywhere.
they throw their dinner on the floor and I am constantly cleaning up.
they ask me 101 times what am I doing
they leave marks all over my carpets from their saliva
they throw all the toys into the neighbours garden

this is just half of what is really getting to me at the moment. I put so much effort and money into trying to get it right and am starting to hate it more and more as I just cant seem to get it right. I feel that all I am doing is cleaning up after them, telling them off, and constantly wondering when this job is going to get better. The only thing that keeps me going at the moment is my CM friends, without them I think I would have given up ages ago.

sorry to moan but it does help listening to how others deal with these scenarios.