Yes, I know they are ridiculously expensive and never in a million years did I think I would spend this much on a buggy but I am really running out of other options and contemplating getting one ...

I have a Zafira and from September onwards I will need to start using all 7 seats so my double needs to fit the tiny boot. I currently have a P&T, which I loved when I lived in London and used the buses, but now I drive everywhere and I just find the fold so awkward. It is way too heavy for me to lift in and out of the car, mainly because it is so big when folded and hard to get a proper hold on.

A friend of mine has a double Maclaren but I just find it too heavy to steer. Another friend has a Baby Jogger City Select but again it is heavy to steer with two toddlers. I have an old injury to my wrists and they really flare up each time I try to push a very heavy/hard to steer buggy.

I love the Oyster max but it won't fit in my boot folded. There are quite a few other doubles that I have looked at but none of them fit in my boot with all the seats up.

So I have been left looking at the iCandy Peach. It folds up small enough for the boot plus everybody raves on about how easy they are to push. I'm just not sure I want to spend that much. It also seems like a hassle having to clip on two seat units plus the adaptors each time I take it out of the car. So I'm just looking for any opinions/experiences please.