Got home and cried! :-(
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    Default Got home and cried! :-(

    Sorry - long one! I had an incident this morning, I'm no good at conflict so just burst into tears when I got in - I took my DD aged 1, mindee aged 1 and mindee aged 2 1/2 to the library via the ducks. We had such a lovely morning at the library, then walking back across the bridge with the water either side - the 2 1/2 year old was walking up against the gate looking down at the ducks holding onto the double buggy. There was a woman, about 50 walking towards us. The pavements really wide, so assumed she would walk around us. No - she tried to barge the 2 1/2 year old out of the way, I pulled him back in time and questioned what she was doing. She shouted at me to move out of her way. I replied that it would be common courtesy that the children are looking at the ducks that she walked around us. She screamed and shouted at me in front of the children that people like me expect people to move out of their way just because I've got a buggy and that I have kids just to get my council house - I have a mortgage but that's not the point. I told her the buggy is heavy and I'm 5 months pregnant, and there really wouldn't have been a problem her walking around us - she sneered and said "urgh another brat - don't you think you've got enough". I tried to tell her I was working and she was being really rude. She refused to budge and I had to move the toddler and double buggy around her! I am absolutely fuming with how rude someone can be. I'd always move out of someone's way if they were less capable than me! I will write this up as an incident for the parents but some people!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickidela View Post
    Sorry - long one! I had an incident this morning, I'm no good at conflict so just burst into tears when I got in - I took my DD aged 1, mindee aged 1 and mindee aged 2 1/2 to the library via the ducks. We had such a lovely morning at the library, then walking back across the bridge with the water either side - the 2 1/2 year old was walking up against the gate looking down at the ducks holding onto the double buggy. There was a woman, about 50 walking towards us. The pavements really wide, so assumed she would walk around us. No - she tried to barge the 2 1/2 year old out of the way, I pulled him back in time and questioned what she was doing. She shouted at me to move out of her way. I replied that it would be common courtesy that the children are looking at the ducks that she walked around us. She screamed and shouted at me in front of the children that people like me expect people to move out of their way just because I've got a buggy and that I have kids just to get my council house - I have a mortgage but that's not the point. I told her the buggy is heavy and I'm 5 months pregnant, and there really wouldn't have been a problem her walking around us - she sneered and said "urgh another brat - don't you think you've got enough". I tried to tell her I was working and she was being really rude. She refused to budge and I had to move the toddler and double buggy around her! I am absolutely fuming with how rude someone can be. I'd always move out of someone's way if they were less capable than me! I will write this up as an incident for the parents but some people!!
    What a horrid experience x im so sorry to hear you've had this happen to you.

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    sending you a big hug.... some people are just horrid hope your ok

  4. #4
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    What a nasty woman! I felt really upset for you reading this post. I hope you and the kids are okay xx

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    Good thing for karma... hugs

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    That's awful, I'm not surprised you burst into tears. What a strange woman - how is she ever going to get any pleasure out of life if she gets off on behaving in that way? I bet she was going out of her way to look for conflict this morning and you just happened to be there. I wonder what she is so bitter and angry about, and what a miserable existence she must have! Give yourself a hug and a nice mug of hot chocolate. xxx

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    What a lovely person... Not. Even if they were all yours it's none of her business. Disgusting

  10. #8
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    Poor you! I had similar the other day on our way back from pre school with a double buggy and a 4 year old walking. We had stopped to chat to another minder on a corner and o.k. we were blocking the pavement but there was a grass verge next to us ( and it wasn't wet or overgrown and it was a lovely day). This woman came along and just stood there so I gave her a friendly smile to which she replied ' I'm waiting to get past'! She wasn't at all happy and because I was so surprised I apologised and moved out of her way so she could carry on walking on the pavement. What a ridiculous woman! What is wrong with some people!

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    Horrible woman. Try and forget about her and remember the lovely time you all had together before you met her. X

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  13. #10
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    Horrible woman. Should've asked her if she forgot to take her medication this morning.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

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    Thank you all. I must be soppy (or pregnancy hormones lol) as I keep getting teary when I think about it - I'll be fine tomorrow, back to my tough self! Strong muscle pose!!! :-)

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    I have had two sinarios in my local sainsburys when I was pregnant. Staff know I'm a childminder and were shocked at what they heard.

    1. Two children in trolley seats both mindees. Comment " you can tell they have different fathers look at their hair"

    2. " we're paying tax and national insurance and she keeps getting tax credits and still popping another one out" I actually responded that I was working and am a childminder and obviously the one on my tummy is mine the others were not!" I them also said that the children of today will be paying the tax and ni when adults allowing her to claim her pension.

    And I hate to say it but it is the older generation who are saying these comments.
    Children are born with wings we help them to fly.

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    What a horrible woman, she obviously isn't quite right so I hope it pops out of your head soon! When my third little boy was about 18 months old an old man shouted at him to stop screaming in the supermarket and we had a bit of a confrontation - it still annoys me when I think about it now and he's 4!

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    I had a mature lady say my children were ghastly. One 2 year old in a pushchair really not doing anything except saying she was cold in the refrigerated dept of m&s) and the others 6 and 8 and not even speaking at the time. They weren't misbehaving or anything. I'm not stupid - I know they have their moments but they really weren't right then! I'm afraid I retaliated by saying that she was a ghastly old woman! I was shaking with anger! I have no idea what is wrong with some people. I wasn't a childminder then and nowadays try not to let people get to me. Horrible experience tho. Big hugs

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    What a horrid lady. Hugs to you. Maybe you can just thank your lucky stars that you don't have that much anger and hate in your life. What a witch!

  19. #16
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    Oh poor you, what a horrible spiteful woman. And how dare she cast assumptions and opinions about your life just because she was clearly having a bad day.

    Hopefully she's gone home, calmed down and is now feeling really guilty. And if no....karma is coming to get her!

    I regularly get people tutting when they see me with all the children. I'm 32 but look a lot younger (so I'm told) and once in the park I overheard 2 women talking about me telling each other I must have started popping kids out at 16, and how I obviously don't cope with all those being so young etc etc. I actually approached them, shaking like a leaf and told them I was 31, married, a Childminder with only one of my own, who was a very much wanted child after 5 years of Ivf treatment. They both apologized and looked really shocked. People need to think more before they share their often untrue, vile opinions.

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    My eldest son was born with club foot. He was in casts on both legs toes to hips.
    It was middle of summer and boiling hot so just had him in a vest in his pushchair with a light blanket over.
    We were in mothercare and a lady looked at him then said to her friend "I can't believe someone would harm an innocent baby like that. Then have no shame in taking the child out in public, poor kids got 2 broken legs"

    Well she got a piece of my mind and every shopper in the whole town now knows about club foot and how it is treated.

    Some people are vile!!!

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    Oh poor you! I've had similar, a number of times and it does leave you shaking. Afterwards I wonder how one human being can be so horrible to another and over something so petty. It's made me determined to smile graciously when I see anyone with a pushchair or young child taking their time as they have every right and should be encouraged to do in a civilised society.

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    Some people are just horrible, they should learn to keep their judgmental opinions to themselves! Hope you are feeling better op xx

  24. #20
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    What a nasty woman. A pity her parents didn't teach her manners. I have had people ask why I don't use contraception!!! How about going to the same place next week and if you see her say very loudly children we must move out of this poor sad, lady who had a horrible day and we don't want to be in her way. You could have a cupcake with a smiley face on it saying you want to help her feel a bit happier. Then say to children well that us how we treat people who have used bad words we try to show them how nice we are. Or else sneak up on her with super soakers and give her what she deserves.

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