Hi everyone - I am thinking of having a revamp of my childcare service to hopefully make it appeal to the age bracket of children I love working with. I basically enjoy working with babies and children up to 3 years. I currently have before and after school children age 5+ - they are so tired after school, they do not enjoy any activities I set up or rush through them so they can simply play/chill out. Meal times are a headache as their table manners leave alot to be desired eg. chewing with their mouths open, eating with their fingers or turning their nose up at what I've cooked and its really beginning to get me down. I am fed up with the sound of my own voice ("have you washed your hands after going to the toilet", "can you use your knife and fork" etc. etc.) and come the weekend I have no patience for my own DD5.

I currently have two part-time families - one brother (18mo) and sister (4mo) and a 1yo boy and I really look forward to the days they are coming as I can get stuck into the EYFS, see how they are developing and be with them as they grow - they are so enthusiastic when you sit and play with them or show them new ideas. I know some people will think I'm mad as they are hard work but I feel like I'm doing a worthwhile job instead of just "child-sitting".

I'm feeling a bit down about it all so wondered if you lovely lot could tell me if you've made any significant changes to your setting so that it suited your lifestyle/interests - instead of working around everyone else's needs most of the time and also how was it received by parents? In an ideal world I'd love to stop providing an evening meal, work with the 0-3 age range and finish at 5.30/6pm - I will probably lose one family for definite if I did this but I'm at the stage where I am not that bothered.

Sorry for rambling - I hope someone can relate to this and give me some much needed advice. x