Last night my youngest child (aged 5) was fairly quite, he got his rabbit and blanket and snuggled on the sofa, then when DH got home, snuggled with him. Then at about 8.30pm, while DH was at the gym, he stood at the top of the stairs crying that he was bored! He has never, ever woke up like that once he has gone to bed.

I went to bed at about 11pm and he was crying again, saying he wasn't having any fun... He was very warm, but didn't have a temp. All through the night every couple of hours or so, he has woken up crying! I think he might be getting poorly, and when he gets ill, he gets really ill!

If he does get up and is not well, I will more than likely have to close, but it is such a ****** as this is my busiest day, 3 EY children all day a total of £110!!!

Surely he could have planned this for a day when I was quieter LOL! Poor little sausage! When my eldest is ill, he just gets on with it, slightly more naughty, not like youngest, whose gets a raging temp and can't move off the sofa!

Oh and now I am sneezing!